Georg Fischer Signet
GF Piping Systems is the leading flow solutions provider worldwide, who enables the safe and sustainable transport of fluids. The company specializes in plastic piping systems and system solutions plus services in all project phases.
- 714-731-8800
- 714 731 62 01
- 9271 Jeronimo Road
Irvine, CA 92618
United States
Conductivity-Resistivity Electrodes
Signet Conductivity/Resistivity electrodes are designed to provide versatile installation and accurate sensing across a very broad dynamic range. These electrodes are built with a controlled surface finish to ensure accuracy and repeatability. The standard electrode is constructed 316 SS or Titanium, but there are other materials available for maximum chemical compatibility.
DryLoc pH/ORP Preamplifier and Connectors
The 2760 preamplifier allows any DryLoc pH/ORP electrode to work with Signet ProcessPro and ProPoint pH/ORP instruments. It is also sold as a simple connector for use with other manufacturers' instruments that do not require a preamplified signal.
Dual Channel Transmitter
The 9950 Transmitter is a two channel controller that supports two sensors of same or different types in one instrument. The sensor types supported by the 9950 are Signet Flow, pH/ORP, Conductivity/Resistivity, Salinity, Temperature, Pressure, Level, Dissolved Oxygen, and devices that transmit a 4 to 20 mA signal with the use of the 8058 iGo® Signal Converter.
Guided Float Switch
The Guided Float Switch is designed for economical control of liquids in tanks. The switch is remarkable for its maintenance-free compact design and reed contacts with high switch capacity. It can easily be installed in water applications as well as in chemical applications.
Hydrostatic Level Sensor
The Signet 2250 Hydrostatic Level Sensor for level and depth control has a one-piece injection-molded PVDF body and ceramic diaphragm for superior compatibility in corrosive liquids. Utilizing hydrostatic pressure, the 2250 Level Sensor disregards false level signals from steam vapors, foam or any other debris on the liquid surface. Two pressure ranges allow for optimal resolution matched to your sensing needs. Solid state circuitry eliminates drift (no internal potentiometers).
Level Float Switch
The 2285 Level Float Switch is suitable for level switching of various liquids, sewage in shafts, tanks, basins or cisterns. The double-chambered float is made of injection molded tough polypropylene that ensures good waterproof protection.
Micro Flow Sensor
The Signet 2000 Micro Flow Sensor is constructed from Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS), which provides high material strength. The 2000 MicroFlow Sensor offers two flow ranges starting at 0.11 or 1.13 lpm (0.03 or 0.3 gpm), for clean process liquids, regardless of fluid color or opacity.
Mini Flow Sensor
The Signet 2507 Mini Flow Sensor contains a free-running rotor that is driven by the fluid flow. Within the given measurement range, the rotational speed of the rotor is proportional to the fluid flow rate.
Non-contact Radar Level Transmitter
The 25 GHz (K-band) 2290 Pulse Radars are the most progressive non-contact level transmitter technology for industrial processes. With an excellent accuracy, compact antennas and a user-friendly set-up the 2290 is an effective, simple, low cost choice for demanding level applications. GF’s new K-band radar featuring ±3 mm (±0.1inch) accuracy and short dead band excels with its full plastic housing. Its antenna range incorporates a stainless steel horn and enclosed plastic tube choices.
Paddlewheel Flow Sensor
The Signet 2537 Flow Sensor is the next generation in fluid measurement technology from the inventor of the original paddlewheel flowmeter. This sensor is an enhancement on what is already an industry standard. It has the added functionality of various output options including flow switch, pulse divider, digital (S3L) or 4 to 20 mA. Additionally, it offers low flow, low power and high resolution and can be configured on-site directly through the built-in user interface.
pH/ORP Electrodes
The Signet 2724-2726 pH and ORP Electrodes features a patented reference electrode design and uses the unique foul-proof patented DryLoc connector. The large area PE reference junction and pathway is constructed to increase the total reference effectiveness and ensures long service life.
pH/ORP Electrodes
The Signet 2734-2736 pH and ORP Electrodes features a patented reference electrode design and uses the unique foul-proof patented DryLoc connector. The large area PTFE reference junction, salt bridge and reference electrode are constructed to increase the total reference effectiveness, resist chemical attack, and ensure long service life.
Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter
The Portaflow range brings simplicity to thenon-invasive measurement of liquid flow. Portaflow offers the user quick and accurate flow measurement with its easy to follow menu and simple set up. Results can be achieved within minutes of opening the case. Compact, rugged and reliable, the Portaflow range has been designed to provide sustained performance in industrial environments.
Pre-amplification is required to protect the output signal of pH and ORP electrodes from a wide variety of electromagnetic interferences common in industrial environments. Signet 2721 is used if remote pre-amplification is required (e.g. tank temperature >80oC) or connecting another manufacturer's electrode to the Signet 5700 or 8750 instrument. The Signet 2721 should be used with special order sensors built with cables (Signet models 277X-HT or 277X-1-HT).
Pressure Sensor
The Signet 2450 Pressure Sensor has a one-piece injection-molded PVDF body and ceramic diaphragm for superior compatibility in corrosive liquids. Three pressure range versions allow for optimal resolution matched to your sensing needs. Solid state circuitry eliminates drift (no internal potentiometers.) Built-in temperature compensation provides outstanding accuracy over wide temperature ranges.