FiberLabs Inc.
Research, development, manufacturing and marketing of optical fibers, optical fiber communication equipment and opto-electronics equipment.
- +81-49-278-7829
- +81-49-263-9328
- KDDI Laboratories building
2-1-15 Ohara,
Fujimino-shi, Saitama 356-8502
Module Type ASE Light Source
Module type ASE light sources are small in size and easy to integrate into equipments. The dimensions are different between models, and five sizes are available from the smallest MSA to S, M, M2 and L. All of them are operated on 5 VDC and the optical properties are the same as the corresponding bench-top models.
Rack Mount Type Amplifiers
Amplifiers for each of O-, S-, C- and L-bands– Compatible with high-speed transmission (up to 100 Gbps)– Available for all signal types and protocols– Compatible with transmitters from all manufacturers– Compatible with SNMP
SLD Light Source
The SLD light source is a light source to emit low-coherence light with a broad spectrum like LED and high brightness like LD. Light emitted from a narrow active layer like LD effectively couple to the fiber. SLD light source can be used for optical measurements and sensors, including fiber optic gyroscopes and OCT. FiberLabs provides fiber-output SLD light sources in different wavelength bands from visible to near-infrared light. Our lineup includes bench-top types convenient for experiments and easy-to-integrate module types.
Bench-Top Type ASE Light Source
ASE(Amplified Spontaneous Emission) light sources are low-coherent light sources ,which combines the both features of high intensity like laser and broad spectrum like LED. Output stability is greater than those of LD and LED, and therefore they are suitable for high accuracy measurement applications. With the use of rare-earth-doped fluoride fibers, the plentiful lineup of FiberLabs light sources includes the 540 nm-, 850 nm-, 1300 nm-, 1480 nm- and SCL-bands that other companies do not provide.They are the best light sources for FBG sensors, OCT, fiber optic gyroscopes, gas sensors, and fluorescence excitation, as well as for measurement of optical components. The bench-top type is easy to use as a stand-alone light source and the modular type is convenient for integration into equipments.
Bench-Top Type Amplifiers
– A variety of wavelength bands– Most models have the RS232C / IEEE488.2(GP-IB) interface as default– customization is available– Development of next-generation optical communication systems– Amplification for evaluation of transmitted signals– Detection of faint signals in optical measurements & sensors
Module Type Amplifiers
Optical amplifier Gain Blocks are compact in size and suitable for built-in use. FiberLabs provides a wide wavelength range of optical amplifier Gain-Blocks over the O-, S-, C- and L-bands. These Gain Blocks can be used for B-PON system using three wavelengths of 1.31 μm, 1.49 μm, and 1.55 μm (ITU-T [compliant with G.983.3]), DWDM system and 100 GbE (IEEE 802.3ba) using the 1.3 μm band.