Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
For over 35 Years, Scientech has been a leader in the electronics sector providing reliable and quality solutions. We have an extensive line of solutions for Industry, Education, and Environmental sectors.
- +91 07314211100
- 94 Electronic Complex
Pardesipura, Indore 452 010
Data Loggers
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Onset data loggers and weather stations are used in a broad range of indoor, outdoor and underwater applications.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
An Arbitrary Function Generator or an Arbitrary Waveform Generator has many applications like Embedded and Semiconductor Test Applications, RF Related Applications, Automotive Applications, Education-Related Applications, Medical Applications, Industrial Applications and Research Applications. Thus, Scientech Technologies has its customers from all disciplines and areas and thus it makes Scientech one of the biggest arbitrary function generator supplier.
Scientech Multi Instruments
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Variety of Instruments are being used in education, industry and research in the field of analog, digital, instrumentation, control system, biomedical and RF domain, requirement of these instruments varies and depends on their application areas.Some application like electronic, electrical, automation, etc. require standard waveforms, arbitrary waveforms, variable digital pattern and protocol generation. Analog signal combination and multiple digital signals are also required for some applications like power electronics, embedded, DSP and VLSI.
Power Analyzers
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Scientech offers wide range of high-performance power analyzers including quality power loggers and more at the best price in India. The power analyzer is a multi-function power analyser device that measure precisely direct current, alternating current, AC-voltage, DC-voltage the intensity of DC or AC, phase rotation and idle, apparent and effective power.
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Scientech test and measuring product family includes wide range of meters like Digital Multimeter, LCR Meter, SWR Meter, and Microwave Power Meter at best prices. Scientech offers Digital Bench Top Multimeters which meets the measurement needs of voltage-current and resistor accurate measurements. LCR meters are Microprocessor-controlled portable meter with low power consumption.
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
We believe that very few testing requirements are identical. We have created Work benches that are flexible to accommodate any testing setup from general to industry specific requirements. The WorkBenches are ergonomically designed instrument panels in vertical position with sufficient table space for working.
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Oscilloscopes are essential tools for anyone designing, manufacturing or repairing electronics equipments. In today''s fast paced world, engineers need the best tools available to solve their measurement challenges quickly and accurately. Scientech Oscilloscopes are the key to meet today''s engineer measurement challenges. Today, Scientech Technologies is a prominent figure in the market as an Oscilloscopes manufacturer and supplier. It has built a big territory of oscilloscopes implementing all the newfangled techniques. These Oscilloscopes are the finest solution for quick analysis, faster debugging and testing of your newest designs. Scientech as an oscilloscope manufacturer has gifted researchers, professors and students with the first-rate model of scope for various test & measurements and laboratory experiments.
Logic Analyzers
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Logic analyzer is the electronic instrument which is widely used for testing complex digital or logic circuits. It captures and displays multiple signals from a digital system or digital circuit. Although oscilloscopes can perform many of the functions of a logic analyzer, the analyzer is more suited to operating in a digital environment because it is able to display relative timing of a large number of signals. The PC logic analyzers are a particularly cost effective method of creating an analyzer.
Power Electronics Solutions
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Power electronics has found an important place in modern technology being a core of power and energy control.The subject of Power Electronics is the merger of the field of electrical power system and solid state electronic devices. It is the discipline that involves the study, analysis, and design of circuits that convert electrical energy from one form to another. Almost all the new electrical and electromechanical equipment contain power circuits.
DC Power Supplies
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Power Supply is the most indispensable component of any electronic laboratory. A reliable, most accurate, fully specified, guaranteed and an efficient Power Supply Equipment are thus manufactured on a large scale by Scientech Technologies which has robust output protection and fault detection capabilities. DC Power Supplies with Different specifications of Voltage and Current are being manufactured for various Applications. The DC power supply converts the conventional 110 V or 220 V alternating voltage into continuous pulsating DC voltage (+3.3 V, +5 V, +12 V and -12V) used by various electronic components. A DC Power Supply also regulates the voltage to eliminate spikes and surges common in most electrical systems.
Spectrum Analyzers
Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Spectrum analyzers are widely used within the electronics industry for analyzing the frequency spectrum of radio frequency, RF and audio signals. RF spectrum analyzers are an essential tool for RF and other engineers, providing a view of the spectrum of signals with their amplitudes and frequencies. Spectrum analyzers can display signals up into the GHz range.