Aehr Test Systems
Worldwide Leader in semiconductor test and burn-in equipment.
- (510) 623-9400
- (510) 623-9450
- 400 Kato Terrace
Freemont, CA 94539
United States
Full Wafer Test System
Enables High Throughput, Single Touchdown, Full Wafer Production Testing. Capable of simultaneously testing up to 16,000 die in a single wafer touchdown. Resource configurable up to 16,384 " Universal Channels " - each programmable as anI/O, Clock, Pin Parametric Measurement Unit ( PPMU ) or Device Power Supply ( DPS ). Software-enabled per site flexibility to support small and large device pin count test needs. Comprehensive functional and parametric test capabilities Deep functional pattern data and capture memory optimized for BIST/DFT testing. Per channel PMU for per site parametric testing Individual channel over-current protection to protect wafers and probe cards. Configured for high volume production. Compatible with industry standard probers and probe cards. Available as an integrated test cell with prober, probe cards and 16,384 channel probe I/F. Configurable as a single or dual system integrated test cell.
Low Voltage Burn-in and Test System
Max 450
For burning-in and testing DUTs such as microprocessors, DSPs and logic devices, which require low voltage. Output monitoring gives functional test results for every device during burn-in
Multi-Wafer Test & Burn-in System
The key features of the new FOX-XP test cell that contribute to the cost-effectiveness of the solution include the ability to provide up to 2,048 "Universal Channels" per wafer, which allows the system to test all the devices on the wafer in parallel. The new "Universal Channel" architecture allows any channel to be any function (I/O, Device Power Supply (DPS) or Per-pin Precision Measurement Unit (PPMU)). This enhanced architecture now allows customers to perform per pin parametric testing, more extensive digital pattern test with deeper data stimulus / capture memory (32M per pin), and deeper scan (768M) optimized for BIST/DFT testing.
300mm Single Touchdown Burn-in and Test System
Up to 15 wafers at a time Known Good Die solution Lowers production cost
Advanced Burn-in and Test System for packaged parts
High power logic individual temperature control
System Level Test and Burn-in Solutions
System Level Test (SLT) is a paradigm shift from traditional structural and functional testing. The device is tested in a complete, integrated system to evaluate its compliance against specified requirements. The system approach allows for higher and more cost-effective test coverage especially for multi-function and non-deterministic devices. It also brings new integration and test challenges like: ..Designing test fixtures on Burn-in Boards with system components ...
Full Wafer Contact Test System
Fox 1
Unique cartridge technology uses full-wafer contactors combined with parallel test electronics to achieve single touch, full-wafer test