Shinken Co. LTD.
Leading manufacturer for electrodynamic vibration test systems
- 03(5822)5715
- 3(5822)5720
- :New Nakano Bldg. 5F, 1-3-1
Iwamoto-cho Chiyoda-ku
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032
Vibration Test Systems
G-0 Series
The G-0 Series Vibration Test Systems consist of all-round, rugged, high quality vibration generators energy-efficient solid-state PWM power amplifiers, ideally suited to any vibration tests requiring high reliability such as MIL, IEC and JIS standardized tests for aircraft, automobiles, electronic components, electric apparatus and aerospace equipment.
Vibration Test Systems
G-9 Series
The G-9 Series Vibration Test Systems, featured by high eccentric moment and a large loading table supported by the unique rigid lateral suspension structure, are suited to transportation tests for relatively large specimens; packaged goods and electric apparatus. In addition, the unique structure enables horizontal tests of relatively heavy specimens without conventional horizontal slip tables.
Vibration Test Systems
G-5 Series
Both Shock tests at from relatively high acceleration(max. 4900m/s2 -500G) to low acceleration with wide pulse width, difficult to achieve with conventional Shock Test Systems and Vibration tests for not only IEC, MIL and JIS but also requiring higher acceleration, velocity and displacement than ordinary VTSs can be carried out with one system.
Miniature Vibration Test System
G-2 Series
The G-2 Series Miniature Vibration Test System, though compact & handy, consists of a sweep oscillator, sine controller, power amplifier and vibration generator, thus suited to a variety of applications; calibration of sensors, standardized vibration tests for small parts, school teaching materials and modal analysis. The G-2002 is handy, with all the composed units being incorporated in a portable case.
Vibration Test System
This small 3-axis vibration test system has been developed in response to many customers' request for ?gcompact and easy to handle & use h multi-axis VTSs without sacrificing performances, featured by its small installation area of W900mm by D850mm, relatively quiet due to employment of small fans insterad of bolower(s), a displacement of 25mmp-p for each axis and max. transient acceleration of over 98m/s2<10G>*,
Horizontal Vibration Test Systems
G-3 Series
This series was used for the special structure of airbearing guide of inspection for Seismic Detectors andcharacterized is large displacement and high-accuracywaveform. In addition, the use of the Windows seismicdetector controller is easy to operate it.
Climatic Temperature/humidity Chambers
PV-K Series
The PV-K Series climatic temperature/humidity chambers (Espec Corporation - previously Tabai Espec) can be combined with G-0N & G-9 Series Vibration Test Systems for combined environmental tests of temperature/humidity and vibration for various parts, components and units.