Photo Emission Tech., Inc.
Photo Emission Tech., Inc., manufactures and markets solar simulation systems also known as sun simulator that provide full spectrum light equal to the sunlight. The primarily applications of these solar equipments are checking Photovoltaic Cell performance, materials testing, photo-lithography, cosmetic testing and in any other application where the effect of exposure to sun light needs to be studied, such as photochemistry / photobiology testing and environmental exposure testing.
- (805) 482-5200
- (805) 482-5252
- 862 Patriot Drive
Unit F
Moorpark, CA 93021
United States
Reference Cells
Reference cell is used for measuring and setting the intensity of solar simulators for one sun (or other user desired) intensity condition. They are also used to calibrate the IV Measurement system photo-detector intensity to match the measured ISC to calibrated ISC.
Low Concentration Photo-Voltaic (LCPV) & High Concentration Photo-Voltaic (HCPV) Cell Testing
Concentrated PV Cell testingPhoto-biological studies of plants, animals, and cell culturesSemiconductor testingPhoto-toxicity researchMaterial degradation researchAccelerated UV and solar exposure testing of color fastness and material stability for paints, textiles and plasticsAtmospheric photochemical pollution research
I-V Measurement Systems
The I-V Curve Data Acquisition includes a fixture for holding cells for testing (see Figure 1 below). This fixture can accommodate cells from small to up to 100 mm x 100 mm. Adjustable cell stops, in the X & Y-axis, are provided to consistently locate the cells for testing. Two micro-manipulators are provided as shown in Figure 1. Each micro-manipulator has two spring loaded contacts to allow 4-wire measurement even for cells that have top contacts only. Two back-side voltage contacts are embedded in the Plate (galvanically isolated from the Plate) and make good electrical contact when the cell is held down by vacuum to the plate. All voltage and current probes are gold-plated. The cell is held down with vacuum during testing (built-in vacuum pump).
Solar Simulation Systems
PET Solar Simulators consist of a Light Source with a built-in Lamp Power Supply. The Solar Simulator has an ellipsoidal reflector that surrounds the lamp and collects most of the lamp output. The radiation from the lamp is focused onto an optical integrator that helps produce a uniform diverging beam. The beam is diverted 90° by a mirror onto a collimating lens. Special filters are placed between the mirror and the collimating lens to shape the radiation spectra to match various air masses. The output is a uniform beam that closely matches the sun's radiation spectra for a given air mass. Various models offer different areas of illumination. Each model can be manufactured to simulate the sun's radiation for different air masses.
Solar Cell Testers
Solar Cell Testers are integrated systems incorporating Solar Simulator and I-V Measurement systems. PET offers Standard and Advance IV Measurement software. PET Cell Testers are capable of measuring a diverse range of solar cell parameters such as Isc,Voc, Imax,Vmax, Pmax, FF, Rsh, Rs and η cell conversion efficiency, complete light and dark I-V curves. All that needs to be done to test a cell is to load the cell, make electrical probes contact and press “Measure” icon on the I-V Measurement System software. The software will automatically open the Solar Simulator shutter, perform the test and close the shutter after the test is complete. The design is modular in nature and can be easily upgraded. Some options can added at a later time.
Spectral Response SystemsQuantum Efficiency SystemsIPCE Measurement Systems
QE system provides electronics and software designed for fully automated measurement of external quantum efficiency of solar cells. All systems include probes and a fixed plate sample stage for samples up to 150 mm x 150 mm. The main system components include: custom designed software, measurement electronics, and computer system (Windows 8 operating system). The measurement involves focusing monochromatic light to a spot on the device under test, then accurately measuring the photon flux and current from the test cell. The system utilizes a dual beam configuration with lock-in detection, providing an absolute accuracy of ±3%. The QE system uses a grating monochrometer with silicon/InGaAs/Ge detectors. The system includes automatic order sorting filters and two light sources for monochromatic illumination (a Xenon- arc lamp and a halogen lamp). A single lock-in amplifier is used to measure both the reference detector and test device. The main system comes with all the hardware needed to measure quantum efficiency, a fixed plate sample stage and probes.
Surface Quality Monitors
PET manufactures and markets non-destructive, non-contact surface contamination and thin film detection models and automated systems (surface quality monitoring system) capable of detecting thin layer contamination, thin films and coating down to the Angstrom level. These systems represent a major breakthrough by providing, for the first time, a quantitative measure of surface cleanliness. As surface cleanliness verification instruments, in a part cleaning environment, these products are capable of validating the cleaning quality of all the part cleaning equipment available in the market. Any of SQM model series is capable of verifying metal contamination; monitoring absence/presence of organic and/or inorganic on virtually on surfaces of all metals. They are, price/performance, the most sufficient product available for testing surface of metals for surface cleanliness. These systems operate in an ambient environment, require no sample preparation or deposit of any agents on the surface. In any parts cleaning environment where the quality and efficiency of part cleaning equipment for removal of surface contamination is highly desired, these systems provide a scientific solution by quantitatively measuring the surface cleanliness. The SQM series has the sensitivity and operational simplicity required to provide fast and cost effective surface evaluation for all metals.