Solar Electronics Company
In the early 1920’s radio broadcast stations began to operate.People (like me) built crystal radio receivers using coils wound on oatmeal boxes and using “cat’s whisker” galena detectors driving high impedance headphones. I remember connecting three or four headphones in series on one crystal set so that several people could listen at the same time.
- (800) 952-5302
(818) 755-1700 - (818) 755-0078
- 10866 Chandler Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
United States
Pulse generator
Solar Model 9355-1 Pulse Generator is designed to provide impulse excitation by means of an injection probe placed around interconnecting cables or power wires. The unit uses a charged transmission line (50 ohms) to generate a pulse with less than 2 nanoseconds rise and fall time, and duration of approximately 30 nS, calibrated in a 50 ohm fixture to deliver up to 5 amperes at a rate of 30 p.p.s. for one minute as required by MIL-STD-461D/E, test method CS115.
R.F. Coupler and high Pass Filter
There are those who disagree with the r.f. conducted susceptibility test setup of Method CS02 of MIL-STD-462. Homemade rigs have sprouted to comply with the coupling capacitor requirement, each with it own disadvantage. Our little Type 7415-3 R.F. Coupler is the answer. A neat little box with BNC connectors and a pair of binding posts, it is rated at 270 V.A.C. at the LINE terminals and 20 volts PMS into the GEN port. Looks good and does a fine job.
Transient Pulse Generator
The Model 8282-1 Transient Pulse Generator was designed for screen room use in making conducted spike susceptibility tests. It provides all the waveshapes required by MIL-STD-461B/C and many other military EMI specifications
Lightning Generator
The Solar Model 2654-1 Lightning Generator synthesizes electrical impulses needed for testing susceptibility to transients induced in aircraft equipment by lightning strikes.
Transient Generators
9354-1 & 9354-2
The Model 9354-1 & 9354-2 Transient Generators were especially designed for the performance of a variety of pulse susceptibility tests on subsystems and/or equipment, in accordance with MIL-STD-461D and E, method CS116; also capable of testing for RTCA DO160D, section 22; MIL-STD-461C, methods CS10 and CS11.
Variable Frequency Modules
9554-( )
Utilizing the high voltage power source in the Model 9354-1 Universal Transient Generator, four individual modules can be connected to provide tuning of damped sine waves from 10 KHz to 50 MHz. A fifth module is available which, when used in conjunction with the Model 9354-1, provides 20% frequency steps from 30 MHz to 100 MHz