Werlatone, Inc.
Werlatone® introduces its NEW line of True RMS Digital Power Meters. Our High Power designs allow for instantaneous and simultaneous forward and reverse power measurements while covering a dynamic range of 40 dB. Supplied with a VSWR alarm and multiple temperature sensors, Werlatone In-Line Power Meters monitor various frequency and power ranges with an accuracy level of better than 5%. Each meter includes a graphic interface for on-site testing and offers secure off-site monitoring though local area networking (LAN). Applications include testing the output power of communication base-station transmitters, VHF & UHF lab equipment, and High Power HF systems.
- 845.278.2220
- 845.278.3440
- sales@werlatone.com
- 17 Jon Barrett Road
Patterson, NY 12563
United States
Coaxial Power Meters
Local and/or Remote Monitoring• Forward Power Reading/Monitoring (Watts or dBm)• Reverse Power Reading/Monitoring (Watts or dBm)• VSWR Readings (Watts, Return Loss, Rho)
Waveguide Power Meters
Start Frequency (MHz) 2400Stop Frequency (MHz) 2500Power (Watts CW) 5000Connectors TBR