Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
Engineering and manufacturing company supplying complete thermal and mechanical packaging solutions from analysis and testing to final production.
- 781-769-2800
- 781-769-9979
- 89-27 Access Rd.
Norwood, MA 02062
United States
Digital-To-Analog Converter
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The DAC-200 is a digital-to-analog converter designed to convert the output of the ATVS family of instruments to 0-5VDC. The device produces an output whereby the voltage is linearly proportional to both the air velocity and temperature for the ATVS product family, including the ATVS-Nxt, ATVS-2020, eATVS-4, eATVS-8, and iQ-200.
Portable Anemometer
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The ATS-0345-1 is a portable vane anemometer for measuring air flow speed and volumetric flow rate. The rotating blades create a frequency proportional to the wind speed. This frequency is accurately converted to speed with 0.1 m/s accuracy. The compact and ergonomic design allows the ATS-0345-1 to be portable, the anemometer's hard plastic carrying case makes transport and storage easy.
Automatic Temperature and Velocity Scanner
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The eATVS-4 Automatic Temperature and Velocity Scanner is a portable, 4-channel hot wire anemometer system. Fully automated, this research-quality instrument takes accurate single- or multi-point measurements of air temperature, velocity and surface temperature in complex environments, such as PCBs and electronics enclosures. When used as a temperature logger, it can measure both fluid and solid temperatures.
Temperature, Velocity & Pressure Measurement
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The ATVS-NxTTM hot wire anemometer is a fully-portable scanner that provides rapid and highly precise of temperature and air velocity measurements for thermally characterizing electronic packages.
Automatic Temperature and Velocity Scanner
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The only system that can measure both temperatureand air velocity with a single sensor. The system canaccommodate up to 32 channels (sensors) for easy and accuratemapping of the velocity and temperature fields of the testdomain.
Temperature, Velocity & Pressure Measurement
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The eATVS-8TM Automatic Termperature & Velocity Scanner is a portable, 8-channel hot wire anemometer system.
Liquid Crystal Thermographic Analysis Tool
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
thermVIEW is a high resolution liquid crystal thermography system for cost effective temperature measurement of electronic circuit boards, micro circuits, hybrid components and integrated circuits. One micron level* thermal mapping of electronic devices.
Isothermal Plate
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The CIP-1000, Controllable Isothermal Plate, is a system for providing an isothermal surface that can be precisely temperature-controlled from 10 to 170C with an accuracy of +/- 0.1C. The CIP-1000 features a 75 mm diameter isothermal copper plate whose constant temperature can be raised or lowered both automatically and manually. A three wire RTD sensor and integral PID controller ensure specific, uniform temperature across the entire plate.
Fan Characterization Module
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The FCM-100 Fan Characterization Module is a specialized unit designed to test and characterize fans of various sizes and performance outputs. Using the FCM-100 Module in conjunction with pressure measurement equipment (such as the PTM-1000) and velocity measurement equipment (such as the eATVS); it is possible to develop fan curves (P vs. Flow rate) that can be used to verify fan manufacturer data or to characterize fans of unknown performance.
Hand-Held Probe
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The HHP-A is a stainless steel, single-sensor hand-held probe designed for measuring the surface temperature of solids. Its pointed tip allows for exact positioning of the sensor on the desired spot. This enhances measurement accuracy by eliminating any conduction heat transfer that may occur through the stem.
Temperature & Velocity Measurement
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
Highly Accurate Instruments for Measuring Temperature & Air Velocity of Electronic Devices.
Surface Thermography
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
Liquid Crystal & Surface Thermography Systems for Temperature Mapping Studies.
Pressure Measurement
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
Instruments for Measuring Differential Pressure and Pressure Drop in Electronic Enclosures.
Candlestick Sensor
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The Candlestick Sensor is a flexible, robust, base-and-stem design air velocity sensor that measures both temperature and air velocity for characterizing thermal conditions in electronic systems. The Candlestick Sensor is narrow and low profile to minimize the disturbance of the heat flow in the test domain. It features a flexible, plastic-sleeved stem, which facilitates installation and repositioning during the testing process.
Multi-Sensor PBL
MS 1000-PBL-20
Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.
The MS 1000-PBL-20 is a three-sensor probe designed for the measurement of air velocity and temperature in the same vertical plane. It eliminates the need for multiple probes or a traversing probe for determining the flow profile or distribution.