We create automated and repeatable solutions to minimize risk and ensure compliance. Tevora is the nation’s premier management consulting firm specializing in information assurance, governance and compliance services and solutions. We work with some of the world's leading companies, institutions and governments to ensure the safety of their information and their compliance with applicable regulations. Our offices are located in Lake Forest, California.
- 949.250.3290
- 949.250.9993
- sales@tevora.com
- One Spectrum Pointe Drive,
Suite 200
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Open-source Penetration Testing Tool
Secsmash is a modular framework for leveraging credentials to enterprise security tools to own the enterprise. Instead of spinning up your own C2 on a pentest, leverage the C2 that organizations have already deployed. HTTP integrator takes inputs, and extractions to generate new inputs, to drive a chain of HTTP request to authenticate to the target system, enumerate connected hosts, and run commands.
Malware Analysis
The Tevora malware analysis process begins with the identification and quarantine of the software in question. Our experienced analysts will then test the malware in our malware analysis lab and isolate the malicious software so its behavior can be learned. Understanding what a particular piece of malware is designed to do, helps direct focus on what other systems and information are at risk.