Black Cat Systems
Black Cat Systems produces a variety of software programs for the Macintosh platform, specializing in the audio, science, health, and amateur radio markets. We've been producing software for the Macintosh since 1991.
- 4708 Trail Court
Westminster, MD 21158
United States
Pro Antenna Analysis Software
MININEC Pro is an antenna analysis program for Windows and Macintosh computers. Any type of antenna may be analyzed. The physical design of the antenna is entered (such as the lengths of wires and elements). For a given frequency, the feedpoint impedance is calculated, along with theoretical efficiency.
Audio Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum Pad
Spectrum Pad turns your iPhone, iPad or iPhone Touch into an audio spectrum analyzer. Frequencies up to 20 kHz can be displayed.
Audio Function Generator
Audio function generator app for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. You can have up to five generators, each operating at a different frequency. Each generator can be one of the following types: Sine Wave, Triangle Wave, Sawtooth Wave, Square Wave, White Noise, Pink Noise