Anadis Instruments Benelux b.v.
The mission of Anadis, a contraction of Analytical and Discovery, is to provide laboratories and industries with a total solution for all spectroscopic analyses and for any specific application. Ana(lytical) symbolizes the analytical measurement, Dis(covery) the discovery of a fit total solution (analyser, sampling method and software) in order to obtain reliable and validated results. That’s why Anadis supplies instruments, sampling methods and software of various brands. This way we are independent and able to deliver the best possible analysis package for our clients. Be desired a sister company of Anadis, Nirvention, can create tailored sophisticated software. Anadis is in this area a household name in the Netherlands and Belgium for already twenty years.
- +31 (0)36 521 41 90
- +31(0)365214428
- Guadeloupestraat 30
Spectroscopy Applications
Anadis Instruments Benelux b.v.
Spectroscopy has become a powerful tool leading to a broad range of applications, as can be seen in the map below. From the lesser known FT-IR analysis of lipid structures in skin (of interest when applying medicines to the skin as well as in studying the effects of skin aging) to the widely used measurement of additives and the octane number (RON, MON) in fuels. Using spectroscopic techniques has many advantages. The technique is non-destructive; almost any sample can be studied in virtually any state. The techniques are applicable off-line, in-line, at-line or on-line. Identification als well as quantification is possible. Check the map with applications, it will be regularly updated and expanded.