KTL is a UKAS accredited test laboratory providing testing, consulting and approvals services for the communications industry.
- 866-960-0001
1 408 850 4489 - 1 408 855 0686
- enquiries@ktl.com
- 4701 Patrick Henry Drive, Building 1901
Santa Clara, CA 95054
United States
Radio Testing
TRaC provide a complete and streamlined process to meet the radio testing, certification and approval requirements to take your radio product to market.
EMC Testing
KTL facilities support a wide range of accredited Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) and wireless testing services. Our experienced staff can assist with all EMC requirements for compliance testing to European and international standards, and can advise on pre-compliance investigative testing, which is invaluable in product development.
Safety Testing
KTL Safety Group is fully accredited to meet the growing needs for worldwide safety testing and compliance and provides: Safety testing and certification of electrical and electronic equipment to international and European safety standards, Pre-compliance evaluations that identify problem areas early in the design stage, to reduce the need for potentially expensive modifications.
Telecoms Testing
KTL offers an extensive range of telecoms testing services, wired and wireless, for voluntary and regulatory markets worldwide. Conformance services are complemented by interoperability telecoms testing and by our commitment to provide market access through procurement specification testing.KTL provides telecoms testing to customer specific requirements and, as an independent third party test laboratory.