CEMWorks Inc.
CEMWorks provides highly efficient software for 3D full-wave electromagnetic analysis of large and complex models. Our software is based on a state-of-the-art solution of integral equations of electromagnetics accelerated with broadband error-controllable Multi-Level Fast Multiple Method.
- 1-431-807-8950
- 965-167 Lombard Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0V3
United States
Electromagnetic Simulation Software
Wave3D CMD
Wave3D CMD 'command-line' controlled suite of tools is designed for large-scale parametric modeling of electromagnetic phenomena using High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities and Cloud computers. The package utilizes the same computational engine based on MLFMA aided Moment Method solution of the Surface-Volume Integral Equation as the Wave3D CAD package. Method of Moment analysis with multilayered media Green's function enables efficient analysis of wide range of 3D planar applications such microstip antennas, microwave circuits, and interconnects.