Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Vernier co-founder, David Vernier, had been a high school physics and physical sciences teacher for eight years when he began programming his first Precision Timer software application. David’s creativity and his passion for science education, combined with his wife Christine’s business acumen, were the driving forces behind the early years of Vernier Software & Technology. Since those days, Dave and Christine – and now nearly 100 employees at Vernier Software & Technology – have been creating world-class data-collection solutions for teachers. Today, we offer a full line of award-winning interfaces, sensors, software, and curriculum that help engage and excite students through hands-on scientific exploration.
- 1-888-837-6437
- 503-277-2440
- 13979 SW Millikan Way,
Beaverton,, OR 97005
United States
Current Probe
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Current Probe measures DC and low-frequency AC currents up to 600 mA. Use Current Probes in combination with Differential Voltage Probes to investigate Ohm's Law and explore series and parallel circuits. The 0.1 shunt resistor minimizes changes to your circuit. If currents will exceed 1 A, use the High Current Sensor.
Current Probe
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Simplify your experimental setup with the Go Direct Current Probe. It connects wirelessly via Bluetooth® or wired via USB to your device. The wireless connection eliminates additional cables that can clutter the lab bench. Capture small currents like those produced by a magnet falling through a coil.
Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Our affordable Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer is designed specifically for upper-level chemistry courses. We've combined the functionality of a fluorometer with the power of a UV/VIS spectrophotometer to allow students to easily and accurately conduct numerous fluorescence experiments with compounds such as quinine sulfate, DAPI, GFP, and tryptophan. Exchangeable LEDs ensure you get the exact excitation wavelength needed for your experiment. To conduct emission spectra experiments simply attach the Vernier Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber. The Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer connects directly to a computer or LabQuest. Data can be collected and analyzed using our Logger Pro software, so there is no need to train students on yet another instrument software.
Voltage Probe
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Go Direct Voltage Probe combines a wide input voltage range and high precision, making it an excellent choice for lab investigations of both AC/DC circuits and electromagnetism. Use this differential probe to measure the voltage in simple circuits, to study basic principles of electrochemical cells, or to investigate the resistivity of different metals.
Wide-Range Temperature Probe
Go Direct™
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Designed to be used as you would use a thermometer for experiments such as the recrystallization of benzoic acid, simple and fractional distillations, determination of boiling points, the synthesis and analysis of aspirin and other organic compounds, and more. Range of –20 to 330°C allows for investigations such as determining the melting point of caffeine or the boiling point of different vegetable oils. RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) technology establishes a ±0.5°C accuracy.
Magnetic Field Sensor
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Magnetic Field Sensor can be used to study the field around permanent magnets, coils, and electrical devices. It features a rotating sensor tip to measure both transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields.
Flash Photolysis Spectrometer
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Vernier Flash Photolysis Spectrometer is a simple, user-friendly device for demonstrating the fundamental principles of chemical kinetics and photochemistry to undergraduate chemistry students.
Acceleration Sensor
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
This 3-axis acceleration sensor has two acceleration ranges plus an altimeter and a 3-axis gyroscope. An additional channel measures the angle of the sensor’s long axis. Go Direct Acceleration Sensor connects wirelessly via Bluetooth® or wired via USB to your device.
Vernier Energy Sensor
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Vernier Energy Sensor offers an easy way to quantify voltage, current, power, and energy output of small wind turbines and solar panels such as those used in our KidWind Experiment Kits.
High Current Sensor
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Use the High Current Sensor in experiments that involve currents larger than 1 A, such as solar panels, hand generators, and other alternative energy projects.
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Save time and space with our suite of spectrometers. These innovative, easy-to-use instruments have a small footprint and collect data within seconds. In addition, they can be used in chemistry, biology, and physics classes at both the high school and college level.
Go Direct SpectroVis
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer quickly measures a full wavelength spectrum. It connects via Bluetooth® wireless technology or via USB to your device.
Visible Spectrophotometer
Go Direct Visible Spectrophotometer
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Go Direct® Visible Spectrophotometer is a robust and accurate portable visible light spectrophotometer that connects easily to your device via Bluetooth® wireless technology or USB to conduct Beer’s law experiments, kinetic or equilibrium studies of absorbance, or emission spectrum analysis.
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Go Direct UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Go Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer connects to your device via Bluetooth® wireless technology or USB to generate full spectra, Beer’s law data, and kinetic traces of ultraviolet and visible-absorbing samples (such as aspirin, DNA, proteins, and NADH).
Constant Current System
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
The Constant Current System is a DC power source with a built-in current probe designed for use in electrochemistry experiments.