Aaronia AG
Aaronia is an internationally renowned high-tech company based in Strickscheid, in the middle of the German Eifel. Since our founding in 2003, we have specialized in measurement, location and monitoring technology. Thanks to our experience, products and patents, we offer powerful and intelligent drone detection and defense systems with extremely long range, precision and reliability.
- +49 6556 900 310
- mail@aaronia.de
- commercial area Aaronia AG II
Strickscheid, 54597
Active biconical Antennas
BicoLOG X Series
Only a single broadband test antenna for the complete frequency range from 20MHz up to 3GHz. Optimal for usage with spectrum analysers for EMC measurement. Active Antennas with high gain up to 41dBi.
EMC Analyzer-Bundles
Our EMC kit allows for straightforward pinpointing and measurementof interference sources in electronic component groups aswell as execution and monitoring of generic EMC measurement.
Shielding Solutions
The highly transparent EMC shielding material Aaronia-Shield® and the high-tech EMC shielding fleece Aaronia X-Dream®, for example, offer very high EMC protection and are especially well equipped for all future high-frequency radiation sources in the high GHz range, which you can easily verify with our EMC Handheld Spectrum Analyzer. For magnetic field shielding, our MagnoShield® series offers unparalleled protection against alternating magnetic fields, such as cables, power distributors, high-voltage lines or transformers and generators.
Aaronia AG specializes in the development and construction of quality antennas of all types. With the antennas developed and manufactured in Germany, almost all measurement scenarios can thus be served. This includes, for example, measurements in the field, EMC measurements in the laboratory, but also very special and unique solutions such as IsoLOG® 3D tracking antennas, which are also used for the AARTOS drone detection system developed by Aaronia. Here, Aaronia AG guarantees the highest quality at reasonable conditions.
Spectrum Analyzers
Aaronia spectrum analyzers enable RF and EMC measurements in real time and at a spectacular price. Finding sources of interference and their causes, determining frequency and signal strength, measuring and evaluating even the most complex limits - all this is easily possible with Aaronia measuring instruments.
The UBBV series are external, extremely low-noise broadband preamplifiers that can be mounted to any SPECTRAN spectrum analyzer. They are ideally suited for spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes as well as antennas of all manufacturers and are supplied with extensive accessories.
Signal Generators
Whether the BPSG generators with their precisely generated RF signals for testing EMC shielding and EMI/RFI measurements, or the brand new SPECTRAN V6 VSG vector signal generators with a frequency range of 10 MHz - 6 GHz and a large number of modulation types, the Aaronia signal generators impress with their quality and price.
Additional Components
High-quality Splitter, Coupler and RF over Fibre Solutions. Made in Germany.
Broadband Horn Antenna (4GHz - 40GHz (calibrated from 18GHz))
PowerLOG® 40400
• Extremely wide frequency range from 4GHz to 40GHz (calibrated from 18GHz to 40GHz) • Supports high input levels up to 300W (peak) or 150W (CW) • High gain up to 17dBi • Delivered including specific calibration data • Perfect for EMC and immunity tests with Spectrum Analyzer.
RF Near Field Probe Set DC to 9GHz
EMF & RF close field sniffer-set for use with any Spectrum Analyzer or Measurement Receiver. The EMC Near Field probe set allows for straightforward pinpointing and measurement of interference sources in electronic component groups as well as execution and monitoring of generic EMC measurement. Our RF near field probe set is especially suitable for: - Pinpointing interference sources - Estimation of interference field strength - Verification of shielding and filtering measures - Identifying faulty components - Detecting circuitry overly sensitive to interference.
Active broadband antenna up to 6GHz
Series HyperLOG ® 70 X
Compatible with any Spectrum Analyzer or Oscilloscope. Incl. High-End Preamplifier. Ultra high gain (44dBi). The HyperLOG X LogPer antenna series can be used to locate extremely weak signals, thanks to the integrated preamplifier. The antenna offers excellent directional characteristics which can be optimized using the optional Laser and Compass.