Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Our goal is to secure a position among the leading manufacturers of precision equipment in nuclear physics in the world to arrange for the development and production of high-quality equipment meeting modern requirements and to provide support in the operation of products manufactured by Baltic Scientific Instruments.
- (+371) 67383947
- 371 6738 2620
- Ganibu dambis 26,
P.O.Box 33, Riga,
HPGe Detectors & Spectrometers
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Baltic Scientific Instruments produces gamma- and X-ray spectrometers based on HPGe coaxial or planar detectors with liquid nitrogen and electric machine cooling. The spectrometers are used for radionuclide analysis and for monitoring of activity in the nuclear industry and related environment monitoring. HPGe detectors have additional applications in scientific research and technology development as well as in various spheres of industry including security and border control.
HPGe Detectors & Spectrometers
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Baltic Scientific Instruments produces Gamma- and X-ray spectrometers based on HPGe coaxial or planar detectors with liquid nitrogen and electric machine cooling. The spectrometers are used for the radionuclide analysis and calculation of the activity in nuclear industry and environment monitoring, as well as in various spheres of industry, science and technology.
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Scintillation gamma-ray spectrometer AirSPEC is intended for measuring scintillation spectra and alsofor determination of activities and specific activities of radionuclides in samples and in conditions of natural occurrence in geometries 2 and 4.Spectrometercan be usedfor various tasksradiation monitoring, including the definition ofspecific effective activity of naturally occurring radionuclides (NORM) in building materials (granite,crushed stone, gravel, etc.), raw materials, products, waste industrial productionand rockswithoutsampling; measurements surface activity of the radionuclide 137Cs (and other); mass fraction of NORM in rocks andoresin the conditions oftheirnatural occurrence on a surface, inboreholes and in warehouses andtransportcontainers, and also in study ofsurface contaminationof soil,as well asprospecting and exploration ofmineral deposits resources.The spectrometercan be used forworkin the laboratoryand in the field conditions.
spectrometer radiometer TRIO
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Gamma-, beta- and alpha spectrometer TRIO is intended for measuring energy distribution of gamma- and beta - radiation, identify gamma-emitting radionuclides, and also for measuring the activity (specific and volumetric activity) natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, 222Rn, and technogenic radionuclides (137Cs, 134Cs, 60Co, 99mTc, 90Sr and etc.) in the soil samples, rocks, vegetation, water, food, wood, building materials, chemical industry materials, alloys, scrap metal and other technological products. Also it is used for measuring gross specific activity of beta- and alpha- emitting radionuclides in water.
Detectors and Associated Electronics
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
CdZnTe (CZT) is a room temperature semiconductor which allows to create X- and gamma-ray detectors with comparably high energy resolution and high count rate capability without cooling. Detectors performance allow to use CdZnTe detectors successfully in Nuclear Industry and Medicine, Safeguard and Homeland Security, many others industrial and laboratory applications.
Multi Channel Analyzer
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Spectrometric device BOSON acquires and displays spectra with overlapping by energy up to 1000 timesNo resolution deterioration at operation in the beginning of spectrum energy rangeStable operation with preamplifiers of TPR type with output voltage swing up to +/- 10 V and reset duration up to 250 usAutomated P/Z adjustmentImproved dead time correctionSoftware-based spectrum stabilizationSetting and control of all parameters using colour LCD display with touch screenComplete remote control of Boson via software on PCAuto BLRAnalogue time dependent shapingSpectrum stabilizationDead time correctionOperation with preamplifier TPR
Digital Miniature Multi Channel Analyzer
MCA 527
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Automated base line restorer and threshold adjustmentAutomated or manual pole zero adjustment without oscilloscopeSystem dead time and count rate indicationDead time correctionAutomated spectrum recordingPeak stabilizationBasic analysis functions (energy calibration, FWHM, peak area and integral calculations, spectrum stripping and smoothing)File menu: write/read functions with drive/path - and file pick list functionsSetup menu: ADC, Amplifier, Presets, Memory splitting, MCA mode, MCS mode, Multi spectral recording mode, automated instrument configuration using setup file
Si Detectors & Spectrometers
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
X-ray spectrometers based on Si detectors with liquid nitrogen cooling, Peltier and electric machine cooling. The spectrometers are applied in the various systems for element analysis: X-ray fluorescent; electron probe; with alpha and beta excitation etc, as well as for the precision diffractometry in the devices of structural and phase analysis.
Radiation Portal Monitors
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) are fix-installed radiation detection systems designed for automated screening of pedestrians, vehicles and trains passing through the detection zone of RPM for presence of gamma and neutron radiation. The RPM alerts the security office and front line officer about the presence of radioactive and nuclear material and provides additional alarm associated information: type of alarm (gamma, neutron or both), relative amplitude of the alarm, etc.