PGP Electronics Private Limited
The manufacturer and exporter of electronic test & measuring instruments and educational trainers.
- B-23/C/3, Electronics Complex
Kushaiguda, Near ECIL X Roads
Hyderabad, Telangana 500062
Audio Frequency Output Power Meter
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics AF Output Power meter, model 3301provides reliable measurement of Audio Frequency Output Power. The audio power output meter, measurable from 0.01mW to 30W in 12 decades with 10 different termination impedances with both balanced and un balanced inputs. The instrument is very useful to conduct students projects, design and test simple sub systems in laboratories. New improved design features provides reliable working even in adverse environments.
Digital AC milli Volt meter
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics Digital AC Mill voltmeter is a very versatile and general purpose equipment for the measurement of audio frequencies. It is useful in measuring low amplitude signals over a wide band of frequencies with precision. Its has a wide band width and sensitivity is 10uV. This instrument is useful for all amplifiers/ audio system manufacturers, college laboratories to measure input/output of any amplifier as well as frequency response of that amplifiers. .
Decade Boxes
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics offers wide range of decade boxes for Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance. These decade boxes offer you a greater flexibility in attaining the required component value and are designed to withstand rugged operation.
Function Generators
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics Function Generators are a reliable source for different waveforms. Two units, function generator and frequency counter are integrated in to one unit. The built-in frequency counter can also be used to measure the external frequency.
DC Regulated Power Supplies
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics Regulated Power Supplies are robustically designed to withstand rugged operation. PGP Electronics manufactures both the Standard and Custom-built power supplies. Manufacuring of custom-built power supples is our speciality.
Digital Frequency Counter
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics Digital Frequency Counter, model 3503 is a very useful instrument for the measurement of frequency. It employs state of the art micro controller technology to provide accurate measurement. It has a 6 digit auto range display. Further, for easy readability of the units of the measurement, the Hz, KHz and MHz are indicated by LEDs .
Digital DC Nano Ammeter
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics Digital DC nano Ammeter is a very versatile and general purpose equipment for the measurement of low DC current. It is a precision tool which provides a resolution of 100pA. This instrument finds application in all the electronic, electrical or physics laboratories wherever there is a need to measure the lower current range.
Digital DC Micro Volt meter
PGP Electronics Private Limited
PGP Electronics Digital DC Micro Voltmeter is a precision measuring tool for the measurement of low DC Voltages. This unit can measure low DC voltages, typically in the order of Micro Volts. This instrument is designed to with stand rugged operation.
Sources Signal Generators
PGP Electronics Private Limited
Manufacturer of a wide range of products which include Function Generators, DC Regulated Power Supplies, Decade Boxes, Pulse Generators and DC Voltage/Current Source Meter.