mks Ophir
Ophir is a brand within the MKS Instruments Photonics Solutions Division. The Ophir product portfolio consists of laser and LED measurement products, including laser power and energy meters, laser beam profilers measuring femto-watt to hundred-kilowatt lasers, high-performance IR and visible optical elements, IR thermal imaging lenses and zoom lenses for defense and commercial applications, OEM and replacement high-quality optics and sub-assemblies for CO2 and high-power fiber laser material processing applications. Ophir products enhance our customers’ capabilities and productivity in the semiconductor, advanced electronics and specialty industrial markets. For more information, visit
- 1-800-383-0814
435-753 3729 - 435-753 5231
- 3050 North 300 West
North Logan,, UT 84341
United States
High End Portable Laser Power/Energy Meter
Centauri Single Channel P/N7Z01700
*Compatible with all standard Ophir Thermal, BeamTrack, Pyroelectric and Photodiode sensors*Large 7" Full Color Touch Display*Multilingual interface – English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean*Single and Dual Channel models available*Various Displays: Bargraph, Analog Needle, Line Plot, Pulse Chart, Pass/Fail, Position, Stability, and Real Time Statistics*Dual Channel Instrument supports Split and Merged Graphical Displays*Sophisticated power and energy logging, including logging every pulse at up to 25000Hz with Pyro sensors*Math functions: Density, Scale Factor, Normalize against base line, etc. Functions can be mixed together, displayed graphically, and can also be logged
*PC Interfaces
Ophir PC interfaces work on the smart plug principle. This means that almost any Ophir PC interface can work – plug and play – with almost any of the wide range of Ophir sensors. Ophir PC interfaces are also the most precisely calibrated units on the marketת, thus measuring with the highest accuracy. With the versatile Ophir StarLab software, your PC becomes a complete laser measurement station. Ophir also provides software to interface seamlessly with LabVIEW or the user's own software.
*Terahertz Measurement
Terahertz laser power and beam profiling measurement is not a trivial task. But as anyone using or developing THz lasers knows, it is crucial to obtain accurate measurements of your laser. Ophir offers a few choices, depending on what aspect of your laser you need to measure. Read these posts for more about Terahertz measurement.
*Beam Propagation Analysis
M², or Beam Propagation Ratio, is a value that indicates how close a laser is to being a single mode TEM00 beam, which in turn determines how small a beam waist can be focused. For the perfect Gaussian TEM00 condition the M² equals 1. M² cannot be determined from a single beam profile measurement. The ISO/DIS 11146 requires that M² be calculated from a series of measurements. M² is measured on real beams by focusing the beam with a fixed position lens of known focal length, and then measuring the characteristics of the artificially created beam waist and divergence. We have a number of solutions for the measurement of M² ranging from simple manual processes to fully automated dedicated instruments, depending on the frequency of the need to measure M² of lasers and laser systems.
*Divergent Light Measurement
The IS1.5-VIS-FPD-800 & IS1.5-IRG-FPD-800 contain 2 photodiodes: a calibrated photodiode for precise power measurement using Ophir meters and a fast photodiode with integral reverse bias circuit for temporal characterization using third-party instrumentation such as oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers. Their small, 1.5" internal diameter preserves the temporal shape of pulses down to 3.5 nsec for VIS and 6 nsec for IRG. An SMA fiber optic connector is provided for connection to a spectrometer. The large, 20 mm input aperture allows for wide acceptance angles and long working distances, making these spheres well suited for testing VCSELs and other types of laser.
*High Speed, Multifunctional Integrating Spheres
Multifunctional integrating spheres enable simultaneous measurement of multiple laser parameters including:*Power*Pulse Characteristics*Spectrum
Entry Level Beam Profiling
BeamMic is simplified set of measurement tools for the entry level beam analysis user. The camera-based beam profiling system consists of a camera and analysis software. Often times, this system will need to be used with beam attenuation or beam sizing accessories, depending on your laser application. BeamMic includes a complete set of high-accuracy measurements, and features a rich graphical interface. For the laser technician, this entry-level software will easily help you quickly become familiar with the many benefits of beam profiling.
NanoModeScan M² Measuring System
This scanning slit M² measurement system accurately analyzes lasers with wavelengths from UV to Far Infrared with its silicon, germanium, or pyroelectric head. It features a compact portable design, immediate results, ISO compliant measurements, and operates in CW or kHz Pulsed modes which makes it ideal for comprehensive analysis of lasers of most wavelengths.
*Measure Focus Spot
The focus spot analyzer can measure your laser beam power distribution and focal spot size of wavelengths from 266 – 1100nm. The average power can be from <1 to 400 Watts and the focal spot can be as small as 25µm. The FSA can also be used to measure how the focal spot shifts with power during its critical start-up phase.
*Pulse Characterization Sensors
Pulse Characterization Sensors provide the ability to see and measure the temporal characteristics of pulsed and CW laser beams. Ophir Fast Photodiode Detectors are designed to convert optical signals into electrical signals which are then measured with third-party instrumentation such as oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers. Accessories are available to connect to IS6 integrating spheres or fiber optic cables. Attenuating filter accessories are also available to increase their dynamic range. Different models offer silicon, UV enhanced silicon and InGaAs PIN photodiodes, covering a combined spectral range of 193 nm to 1700 nm. Rise times range from 25 picoseconds to 3 nanoseconds. The fast rise times are achieved by an internal reverse bias voltage circuit. Power is supplied by internal batteries and/or an external power supply depending on the model. Detectors should be connected to a 50Ω impedance in order to maintain their nominal rise times. They can be connected to higher impedance loads, but this will result in a significant increase in the rise time. If higher output voltage is required, it is recommended to connect the detector to a trans-impedance amplifier with an Input impedance of 50Ω
*OEM Power Sensors
The OEM “standard” sensors are actually families of existing OEM sensors with typical specifications shown. They can be tailored as needed to fit your specific requirements. In addition to the products described, Ophir has developed hundreds of other OEM solutions. These compact laser power sensors have built-in amplifiers and are easy to install. They contain all the electronics needed including algorithms to increase the sensor's speed of response. Connections to the sensors are simple, with the host providing DC power and the sensor providing a voltage or digital output. Outputs Available: DB15 smart sensor output; Calibrated analog output; RS232; USB; Ehthernet. Simply fill out the Sensor Customization form so we can provide just the right solution for your needs.
Non-Contact Beam Profiler
The patented BeamWatch non-contact profiling system accurately captures and analyzes industrial multi-kilowatt lasers wavelengths from 980nm - 1080nm by measuring Rayleigh Scattering. It features a complete passthrough beam measurement technique, no moving parts, and a lightweight compact design which makes it ideal for comprehensive analysis of industrial multi-kilowatt lasers
Fan Cooled Thermal Power/Energy Laser Measurement Sensor
The F50A-BB-18 is a general purpose fan cooled thermal power/energy laser measurement sensor with a 17.5mm aperture. It can measure power from 10mW to 50W and energy from 6mJ to 50J. It has the spectrally flat broadband coating and covers the spectral range from 0.19 to 20µm. The sensor comes with a standard 1.5 meter cable for connecting to a meter or PC interface.
*Laser Pyroelectric Energy Sensors
Pyroelectric sensors for measuring repetitively pulsed energy at up to 25 kHz. These sensors use a pyroelectric crystal that generates an electric charge proportional to the heat absorbed. The response time of the pyroelectric sensor depends on the time it takes for the heat to enter the crystal and heat it up. For metallic type pyro detectors, this time is tens of μs and thus the metallic type can run at a high repetition rate. For the BF and BB type, the response time is milliseconds with a correspondingly lower repetition rate. Ophir pyroelectric detectors have unique and proprietary circuitry that allow them to measure long pulses as well as short pulses and work at a high duty cycle, i.e. where the pulse width is as much as 30% of the total cycle time.
Integrating Spheres
Integrating spheres are used especially for measuring divergent light sources such as LEDs. The light is introduced through the input port, then reflected many times by the highly reflective interior of the sphere until it illuminates the inner surface uniformly. A detector samples a small fraction of this light to measure the total power input. Ophir integrating spheres have a highly reflective diffuse white coating for measurements independent of beam size, position and divergence. There are several sphere sizes, apertures and wavelength regions available. The large IS6 series has 2 configurations for measuring divergent or parallel beams.