JEM Engineering
JEM Engineering has years of experience designing antennas for both military & commercial applications from HF to millimeter wave. JEM can design and develop antennas to meet your specific requirements. Areas of Antenna expertise include: Active Genetic Aperture Low-Observable Broadband Microstrip Patch & Arrays Electrically-Small Wire JEM manufactures its own antenna designs and offers build-to-print manufacturing capabilities?all to ISO 9001 standards of quality (Mil spec and FAA quality systems also available). JEM?s manufacturing expertise utilizes a combination of both in-house and outsourced fabrication methods and assembly. Antenna Testing: Capabilities include: antenna voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), gain, radiation pattern and coupling/isolation testing. Offering production testing services, chamber rental (with operator) by the hour, half-day or full day. Tapered Chamber: This 14? x 14? x 45? tapered anechoic chamber provides far-field testing from 100 MHz to 40 GHz. Satimo Chamber: This Satimo STARGATE-64 spherical near-field range is the fastest antenna measurement facility available today for full-sphere data collection. This system has the capability to measure radiation patterns, gain and antenna efficiency in either free-space conditions or with surrogate or live human test subjects. Both passive and active antenna measurements can be performed for a wide variety of devices operating between 400 MHz and 6 GHz. Data output options include full 3D and conventional 2D radiation patterns. ASCII data files are easily processed using such tools as MATLAB®, MathCAD® or EXCEL®. By utilizing this state-of-the-art testing facility companies can cut costs and save time by completing measurements in minutes?measurements that would take hours with a conventional range.
- 877-317-1070
301-317-1070 - 301-317-8683
- 8683 Cherry Lane
Laurel, MD 20707
United States
Custom Antenna Development
Specializing in the development of unique antennas, JEM’s antenna design experience includes: Broadband Antennas, Narrowband Antennas, Genetic Antennas, Array Antennas & Beamformers.
Rapid Antenna Testing Services
At JEM we understand the challenges facing antenna, microwave and communication system engineers, and we realize that accurate measurement of antenna electrical performance is critical. That’s why we offer a range of rapid antenna testing services from 50 MHz to 40 GHz.