bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
The company bsw AG is a Test & Measurement Solution Provider primarily for the Semiconductor, Electronics and Telecommunications Industry as well as related Universities and Research Facilities.
- +49 (0) 7032-89593-0
- +49 (0) 7032-89593-18
- Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 36
Nufringen, 71154
Power Device Analyzer
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
Semiconductor manufacturers need accurate data on the exact electrical characteristics of their components as a basis for further optimization.
Signal Generator
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
Especially for signal generation above 50GHz and in waveguide bands is done with a standard lower microwave generator and then the signal is frequency multiplied to get to higher frequencies. The frequency multiplied signal may optionally be filtered to make it spectrally pure and/or amplified to come to an appreciable signal level.
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
The intensive development of analog-to-digital converters in the last decades brought these devices from 100MHz up to very high frequencies. As a fact, manifold usable arbitrary waveform generators (AWG) are now available for more than 10GHz.
Device Parameter Analysis
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
The complexity of DC Parametric Characterisations has significantly increased with the level of miniaturisation in the semiconductor industry. The demand is not only on the precision of the measurements. New measurement methods have emerged to gain insight into phenomena previously unknown or only of marginal relevance. One example is "Pulsed IV" which is now widely in use. The modular concept of the Keysight B1500A allows users to tailor their instrument exactly to their needs. Flexible upgrades ensure the investment for many years. Together with bsw AG you will get an optimum solution for your application. Our experts provide not only support for the instrument itself but have also working knowledge of all the solutions surrounding it. This includes Cabeling and Adapters, Fixturing for packaged Parts and of course Wafer Probing. We help customers from replacements of broken or worn-out parts to planning and deployment of turn-key-systems.
Signal Analyzer
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
The simplest way to measure the phase noise is to compare the Device-Under-Test (DUT) to the source of a spectrum analyzer. With the SA set at the same frequency as the OUT, you see the sum of the SA's and DUT's sideband-power spectrum on the SA display. It is a simple and straight forward method well suited for free running VCO's where the SA is easily an order better.You can improve on this method by establishing a Phase Lock (PLL) between the DUT and the Local Oscillator and create a zero-IF or base-band spectrum analyzer system.
System Instruments
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
Many tasks in the area of semiconductor characterization as well as in the testing of electronic assemblies are routine tasks. Test series of new building elements or samples from production are routinely measured in a large number of electrical parameters. For this, you do not need a measuring device with a complex graphical user interface. A simple interface for remote control with a PC is sufficient. The evaluation and visualization of the results is also carried out on the PC. With the Keysight E5270B and its "little brother" the E5260A two powerful modular SMU units are available for the purpose of the integration into automatic test systems.
Mm Wave Measurement
Erickson PM5B
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
Erickson PM5B from VDI, which has been further optimised in the version just presented. The measuring head of the PM5B operates in the WR10 band, i.e. in the 75 - 110 GHz range. High-precision accessories, so-called tapers, provide for adjustments and thus make measurements in the waveguide bands, currently up to WR0.34 beyond 3 THz, possible.
Frequency Expansion Modules
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
Up To 1.5THz For Network Analyzers Modern communication standards, like for instance 5G, place high demands on components (mixers, amplifiers, antennas, etc.), which have to be examined in high frequency bands (millimeter waves); the requirements include: broad frequency coverage, sufficient output power to operate the components under compression, high dynamic range and stability as well as a reduced dynamic content within the spectrum.
HF Amplifier
bsw TestSystems & Consulting AG
Whether a HF amplifier which is mounted in a 19" rack is viewed as an instrument, a system or a component largely depends on the point of view of the application developer. We list this product family here; however we would like to point out that our 19" amplifiers for rack-mount and benchtop applications, as well as modules without power supply, are listed in the "Components" section.