DSE Test Solutions A/S
DSE Test Solutions A/S is a company that lives and breathes for TEST. We thrive when we in close collaboration with customers develops test equipment for all kinds of different purposes and together overcomes all kinds of challenges in the process.
- 45 7561 8811
- 45 7561 5895
- dse@dse.dk
- Sverigesvej 19
Horsens, DK-8700
DSE Moisture Meters
Our Moisture Meters are suitable for any biomass and are today used in many different applications. The technical principle is based on microwaves being sent through the bale of biomass from one side to the other thus measuring a huge amount of material, and hereby ensuring that the moisture value calculated is not only based on a small random sample.
DSE Wire Testers
DSE Test Solutions your gateway to a world of wire technology.We supply high-quality test equipment for the wire and cable industry. Our extensive range of intelligent test equipment is used for quality control and production optimisation of enamelled wire and cable.
Test Solutions
Making test solutions are still by far the largest division of our company with an activity level of around 65% of our turnover, and with long term relationship to customers like Danfoss, Bang & Olufsen, Siemens, Grundfoss, Vestas and many more, it is still today the very foundation, on which our entire company is based.Our concept is based on high level software development, that is combined with electronical and mechanical engineering, thus controlling all the processes involved to create the most suitable test solution for our customers.