Ocean Optics, Inc.
Ocean Optics is more than a spectroscopy company. Ocean Optics is a company rooted in the opportunities enabled by new optical measurement technologies, active in nearly every market, industry and aspect of life.
- 727.733.2447
- 830 Douglas Ave.
Dunedin, FL 34698
United States
Flame Spectrometer
The Flame spectrometer is built using industry-leading manufacturing techniques that help deliver high thermal stability and low unit to unit variation without compromising the flexibility and configurability that are the hallmark of Ocean Optics miniature spectrometers. New features such as interchangeable slits, indicator LEDs and simple device connectors deliver more freedom and less frustration.
High-resolution Spectrometer
The HR2000+ Spectrometer integrates a high-resolution optical bench, a powerful 2-MHz analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, programmable electronics, a 2048-element CCD-array detector, and a high-speed USB 2.0 port. This innovative combination produces and extremely fast spectrometer and provides resolution to 0.035 nm (FWHM).
High-resolution Spectrometer
Our next-generation high-resolution spectrometer is a novel combination of optics and electronics that is ideal for applications such as characterizing lasers, measuring gas absorbance, and determining atomic emission lines.
Miniature Spectrometer
Ocean HDX
Ocean HDX is anchored by High Definition Optics for high throughput, low stray light and great thermal stability. Its X-Platform Electronics include powerful onboard processing and communications including Gigabit Ethernet, SPI and Wi-Fi. The Ocean HDX is compact, robust and ideal for integrated, industrial and research applications.
Reflectance Standards
STAN Series
Ocean Optics offers specular reflectance standards for measuring shiny surfaces such as machined metals and semiconductor materials and low-reflectivity surfaces such as anti-reflective coatings and thin film coatings. The STAN-SSH varies in reflectivity from 87%-98% over the 200-2500 nm wavelength range and is available in a version (STAN-SSH-NIST) calibrated to a NIST master standard. The NIST calibration data range is 250-2500 nm.
Maya 2000
Maya2000 Pro Spectrometers offer high sensitivity in configurations that cover a range of ~165-1100 nm. They are perfect for deep-UV (vacuum UV), UV-Vis and Vis-NIR measurements.
The next innovation in miniature spectrometers from Ocean Optics — Ocean FX™ — offers high-sensitivity CMOS detector performance, acquisition speed up to 3,000 scans per second, and a robust communications module that accommodates Ethernet and Wi-Fi. The new spectrometer is ideal for UV-Vis applications in food and agriculture, where acquisition speed helps with food sorting and processing; biomedical sciences, especially for absorbance measurements requiring enhanced UV sensitivity; and security and authenticity, where added communication interfaces enable simpler point-of-use instruments. Also, the onboard buffering feature ensures data integrity during kinetics measurements.
Argon Calibration Source
The AR-1 produces low-pressure argon emission lines from 696-1704 nm for use in performing fast, reliable spectrometer wavelength calibrations.
Red Tide Spectrometers
USB-650 Red Tide spectrometers are ideal for teaching about UV and visible absorbance, reflectance and emission applications. They are preconfigured, ready-to-use spectrometers that come in several different options. Fully integrated – USB650-UV-VIS and USB650-VIS-NIR models are preconfigured, ready-to-use systems.
Spectrometer Systems
FLAME-CHEM spectrometers are fully integrated UV-Vis and Vis-NIR systems for measuring absorbance and transmission of liquid samples in cuvettes. FLAME-CHEM is a great option for teaching labs and research facilities where users seek the performance and flexibility advantages of the Flame spectrometer in a compact, small footprint instrument. Each FLAME-CHEM system comprises a preconfigured Flame spectrometer, a direct-attach light source and a cuvette holder for 1 cm pathlength cuvettes – all in a single package. UV-Vis (200-850 nm) and Vis-NIR (350-1000 nm) models are available. Add OceanView spectroscopy software (purchased separately) to complete your system.
Mercury Argon Calibration Source
The compact, low-cost HG-1 Mercury Argon Calibration Source is a spectral wavelength calibration source for UV-VIS-Shortwave NIR spectrophotometric systems.
NIR Spectrometer
NIRQuest Series
The NIRQuest is a versatile NIR spectrometer for applications ranging from moisture detection and chemical analysis to high-resolution laser and optical fiber characterization. NIRQuest spectrometers cover the wavelength range from 900-2500 nm.
Handheld Raman System
IDRaman mini 2.0
The IDRaman mini is the smallest, most powerful handheld Raman system available today. The IDRaman mini fits in the palm of your hand, yet is ruggedly dependable for fast, accurate Raman analyses ranging from chemical and explosive agent detection in the field to quality assurance and quality control sampling routines in the factory. The system includes a preloaded, editable library of about 30 Raman spectra and large libraries of up to 9,000 spectra are available for purchase.
Spectrometer Module
Jaz Series
The Jaz spectrometer brings you an unparalleled level of flexibility. Its unique features and expandable platform make it a good choice for applications in the lab or in the field, including greenhouse lighting monitoring, remote sensing, process flow, quality assurance, life sciences and many others. Our customers have taken Jaz to wheat fields to detect blight infection, to Mt. Everest to measure UV intensity, and to Greek islands to measure reproductive success of orchids.