ASL Environmental Sciences
ASL Environmental Sciences is a world class company with more than 35 years of experience in oceanographic, acoustic, remote sensing and ice research products and scientific consulting services.
- 877 656 0177
250 656 0177 - 250 656 2162
- #1-6703 Rajpur Place
Victoria, British Columbia V8M 1Z5
Ice Profiler
Estimate ice forces for design of offshore platforms and operational planningDetermine the extreme thickness of ice for pipeline installationsExamine in detail the underside of sea-iceUnderstand the dynamics and thermodynamics of the sea ice regime for scientific research.Climate change studies
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter
Assess/optimize existing turbine operating efficiencyAccept new or upgraded turbinesVerify minimum flow requirements
Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler
The ASL Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler™ (AZFP™) offers a new, economical way of obtaining reliable measures of marine environmental conditions in the water column. The AZFP™ can monitor the presence and abundance of zooplankton and fish within the water column by measuring acoustic backscatter returns at multiple ultrasonic frequencies. Other sonar targets realized from the sonar backscatter data include bubbles and suspended sediments.
Shallow Water Ice Profiler
The Shallow Water Ice Profiler (SWIP) is a real-time acoustic ice thickness measurement (ice draft) instrument for shallow water applications. The underwater components include a low-cost acoustic transducer, a tilt sensor, a high-precision pressure sensor and a temperature sensor, all providing suitably high resolution for shallow water measurements.
The WERA system (WavE RAdar) is a shore based remote sensing system using the over the horizon radar technology to monitor ocean surface currents, waves and wind direction (Gurgel, 1999). This long range, high resolution monitoring system operates with radio frequencies between 4 and 50 MHz. A vertical polarized electromagnetic wave is coupled to the conductive ocean surface and follows the curvature of the earth.
Wave Profiler
The Wave Profiler allows the user to measure non-directional wave parameters continuously for long periods of time with high temporal and spatial resolution in deeper water from the safety of an underwater mooring. The instrument is particularly useful for clients who need to measure long-period waves (such as rogue waves or infra-gravity waves), waves in wash and in wakes, and non-linear waves.