Testronics Inc.
Testronics is a company dedicated to the test and inspection of Backplanes, Midplanes, Card Cages, Racks, Shelfs, and High Test Point Loaded Boards. In the years since our founding we have established a reputation for close working relationships with our customers to develop specific solutions to production problems. We sell and support our products and services with world wide offices. Our revenue has been growing each year. Our product line is expanding. Our customer base is increasing.
- (979) 233-8560
- (979) 265-6610
- sales@testronicsusa.com
- 919 South Shanks Street
Clute, TX 77531
United States
Automated Optical Inspection System
We are proud to introduce the latest member of our model 505 AOI product family, the 506. This system was developed to provide a high coverage, easy to program AOI system for the larger backplanes / backpanels being produced today.
Manufacturing Defects Analyzer
The 406A is designed to target the highest number of assembly failures for the least amount of capital equipment cost, programming time, and maintenance costs. The precision Stimulus Measurement Unit provides AC/DC analog measurements that are accurate, stable, repeatable, and reliable.
Analog In-Circuit Tester
The 406C is an open architecture power up test platform designed to facilitate the implementation of functional testing after the MDA test is completed. Internally dubbed as "Armadillo" the new architecture provides the user almost unlimited flexibility by combining the best of the VME buss and a dedicated ICT buss.
Backplane Test System
Our model 402HV is the result of 25 years of high voltage / high pin count test systems experience. We produced our first high voltage system back in 1985. It was programmable up to 600 volts / 600 Mohms and had over 49,000 test points. It could test a 5k point board in less that 15 seconds. Since then we have built hundreds of high voltage test systems, with our highest voltage system capable of testing up to 2000 Volts DC / 1500 Volts AC. (One of our 600 volt systems, built in 1986 is still in operation testing boards for a defense contractor.)
Backplane Profiling & Inspection System
A major problem in the backplane industry is detecting bent connector pin defects. The most difficult being when the pin bends underneath the shroud rather than going into the hole. Many times this defect cannot be detected electrically as the connector pin is touching the conductive annular ring of the hole, allowing electrical test to pass. Unfortunately, it is an intermittent connection and will fail later on as there is not an actual mechanical connection.
Backplane Test System
Very High Pin Count Level IV Backplane Test System. To ensure that Testronics maintains its leadership position as the premier supplier of backplane testers, we will be introducing our solution to testing high pin count / very large backplanes, the Model 402.