Scitec Instruments Ltd
NEW Scitec Instruments is also pleased to offer new UV Photodiodes and accessories and new products in it's Fibre Optics, Infrared Detectors and IR Sources ranges.
- 44 (0)1225 751 542
- +44 (0)7971 973 964
- 6 Sandown Centre
Whitehorse Business Park
Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 0XD
United Kingdom
E/O Converter
The LTX-510 Electrical to Optical Converter is a convenient device that is intended to transmit analogue or digital signals to a remote location via a multi-mode fibre optic cable. The main applications are situations in which the signal of interest has a high common mode voltage with respect to the measuring equipment.
Loss Test Set
The HPT-5100 represents a significant improvement in technology at a competitive price. This high performance loss test set has advanced features commonly found in instruments costing far more.
O/E Converter
The TIA-950 optical receiver is the optimum instrument for the laboratory or for field use. This optical receiver can be used with a wide range of oscilloscopes and digitisers to provide the utility of a convenient, easy to use fibre optic probe. This compact unit mounts directly on the BNC input of an oscilloscope.
O/E Converter
The TIA-4000 is comprised of a fibre coupled InGaAs APD detector combined with a variable reverse bias voltage network and fast transimpedance amplifier. The output of the unit is brought out to a type K female SMA connector. Light falling on the detector generates a positive-going proportional current. This current, multiplied by the transimpedance produces a voltage that is proportional to the light incident on the detector surface.
O/E Converter
The TIA-3000 is an instrument for the laboratory or for field use. This amplified optical-electrical converter can be used with a wide range of oscilloscopes and digitisers to provide the utility of a convenient, easy to use fibre optic probe. Energising the unit, the optical signal presented to it is faithfully reproduced on the CRT of the oscilloscope or digitiser.
"Signal Transporter"
The LTX-5520 enables the conveyance of sixteen independent channels of digital information over fibre optic links ranging from metres to more than 10 kilometres. Each of the 16 incoming TTL channels is sampled at 50 mega-samples per second, multiplexed and transmitted serially over an optical fibre at a 1 Gb/s data rate.
"Signal Transporter"
The LTX-5525 conveys sixteen independent channels of digital information over a fibre optic link ranging from metres to more than 10 kilometres. Each of the 16 incoming TTL channels is sampled 100 million times per second, multiplexed and transmitted serially over an optical fiber at two gigabits per second. The receiver acquires this digital data and de-multiplexes it to 16 separate output ports.
Signal Transporter E/O - O/E Converter pair
The LTX-5515 enables the precise conveyance of one analog channel plus four digital channels of information over fibre optic links ranging from metres to more than 10 kilometres. Incoming analogue data is digitised to 12-bit precision at 100 megasamples per second and transmitted over optical fiber at one giga-bit per second.?
Thermopile Laser Power Measuring Heads
HP Series
The HP25S head is specially designed for portable applications through the use of a smaller heat sink. This gives the head smaller dimensions but means that high powers are only possible for a short time.?
Thermopile Laser Power Measuring Heads
BB Series
The BB series of heads has a black broadband absorbing coating. The HP series is equipped with a ceramic layer which allows for high energy and power densities.
O/E Converter
The TIA-525 optical receiver is a convenient, easy to use optical to electrical converter. It is extremely useful in a variety of laboratory and field service situations where a quick check of the operation of a laser source, optical transmitter, or the output of a fibre optic communications link is required.
Balanced O/E Converter
The TIA-527 balanced optical to electrical converter provides adjustable gain and a bandwidth of DC to 125 MHz. It is useful for coherent heterodyne detection applications, spectroscopy and similar applications for which the ability to discern small variations in signal strength in two optical paths is critical..
OEM Pulse Energy and Power Measuring Instrument
LEM 2510
This OEM-Meter is assembled in a standard cassette for the industrial 19? system. It has a width of 21TE. A touch panel and function keys make this device comfortable and easy to handle. The preamplifiers integrated into the device and the choice of sensor sensitivity, allow to use a wide range of sensor heads.?
Pulse energy and power measuring instrument
LEM 2410
A touch panel and function keys make this device comfortable and easy to handle. The preamplifiers integrated into the device and the choice of sensor sensitivity allow a wide range of sensor heads to be used. The large graphic display offers space for a variety of display and analysis choices. The digital display can be used for determining the energy, frequency and average power.
Laser Tachometer
The LT-880 Laser Tachometer is a non-contact instrument designed to sense the presence or absence of a reflective surface in its optical beam. A TTL signal is asserted whenever a reflective surface is placed within its field of view. The signal may be used with a counter or spectrum analyser to sense linear translation, rpm or transient vibrations.