Our high precision, high-performance measurement instruments, powered by advanced, user-friendly software help scientists and industrial experts in such diverse fields as electrochemistry, battery & material testing, rapid kinetics, spectroscopy and photosynthesis
- + 33 476 986 831
- 4. rue de Vaucanson
Seyssinet-Pariset, 38170
Impedance Analyzers
An impedance analyzer with the features and specifications necessary for working on a the broad range of applications in the field of materials research.
BioLogic provides a variety of robust and user-friendly potentiostats for many diverse applications, from single to bi to multiple channel form factors.
Rapid Solution Changer
A multi-channel perfusion system that allows electrophysiologists to manage the concentration change for ions, neurotransmitters and of all possible sort of ligands in patch clamp recordings
Scanning Probe Workstations
A modular, state-of-the-art instrument allowing users to exploit 9 local electrochemistry techniques.
CD spectropolarimeter specifically optimized for both steady state and rapid kinetics applications. The CD spectrometer guarantees excellent performance: sensitivity, precision, speed and modularity from far-UV to NIR region.
As a leader in this field, BioLogic has over 30 years of experience of developing equipment designed to give researchers a cutting-edge. Originally dedicated to rapid kinetics measurements, BioLogic now also develops, integrates and manufactures a wide range of instrumentation for steady-state spectroscopy including spectropolarimeters.
Stopped-flow/quench Flow
A unique micro-volume stopped-flow solution for the most demanding applications
Stopped-flow/quench Flow
A unique design enables the QFM-4000 to trap and identify reaction intermediates. The device is also commonly used for analysing enzymatic reactionq, DNA cleavage or single turnover reactions.
Stopped-flow/quench Flow.
The SFM-4000 stopped-flow series is available for single, double or triple mixing applications (two reaction steps or one reaction step and one concentration change step before the final observed reaction). The SFM-4000 stopped-flow family has been designed to ensure the shortest possible dead time the highest precision and to minimize sample consumption as much as possible.
Battery Cyclers.
BioLogic’s battery cycler line-up is made up of two complementary ranges of instruments, the high throughput BCS-800 Series battery cyclers and the R&D grade MPG-200 Series test stations.
Rapid Solution Changer.
BioLogic’s Rapid Solution Changer (RCS-200) is a multi-channel perfusion system designed to work with patch-clamp and other biological equipment in a wide variety of electrophysiological domains including neurosciences, biotech and pharmacology. The instrument is used for changing the concentration of solutions (ions, neurotransmitters, ligands etc) or the solutions themselves.
Impedance Analyzers
A laboratory furnace used specifically for the electrical characterization of materials and also for heat treatment between ambient temperature and 1100 °C.
Impedance Analyzers.
The MTZ-35 is a high-frequency impedance analyzer which is the key element of several fully integrated solutions for the electrical characterization of materials . These solutions comprise a MTZ-35 impedance analyzer, a Temperature Control Unit, a sample holder and MT-Lab software.The MTZ-35 is also offered as a standalone instrument for use with other systems/accessories.
Scanning Probe Workstations.
BioLogic has over 25 years of experience producing scanning probe electrochemistry instruments. Initially this included a number of single technique instruments, with the first modular scanning electrochemical workstation, the M370, introduced in 2006, under the Uniscan name.Scanning probe electrochemistry has found use in academic and commercial research settings. It is applicable in any field in which bulk electrochemical measurements have been used. Scanning probe electrochemistry has found widespread use in: Corrosion and coatings, Biology, including biosensors and biotechnology, Batteries, fuel cells and photovoltaics, Materials, Catalysis