Aim Instruments is a sister company that also produces electronic instruments. The portfolio of products from Thurlby Thandar Instruments (TTi) and Aim Instruments is grouped under the overall banner of Aim-TTi. Currently TTi products and Aim products have separate web sites.
- +44 1480 412451
- Glebe Road
Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE29 7DR
United Kingdom
Current Probes
Innovative DC to 5MHz "positional" current probe capable of measuring currents in PCB tracks, component legs etc. without the need to break the connection or surround the conductor.
DC Power Supplies
Single, dual or triple output models with power from 30 watts up to 1200 watts. Linear, Mixed-mode or PowerFlex regulation. Remote control models with variants of Analog, USB, RS232, GPIB and LAN interfaces.
DDS Function Generator, Digital Control 10MHz Or 20MHz, With/without USB/RS232 Interfaces
TG2000 Series
0.001Hz to 10MHz/20MHz frequency range6 digits or 1mHz resolution1ppm stability and 10ppm one year accuracyLow distortion, high spectral purity sine wavesInternal phase continuous sweep, lin or logAM, FSK, gated and tone switching modes5mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 or 600 OhmsStorage for multiple instrument set-upsUSB and RS232 Interfaces (TG2000 only)
Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator
High resolution, low jitter pulses can be generated up to 100MHz as can wide bandwidth white noise. A extensive array of modulations is provided using internal and external sources. Gated, burst and sweep modes can use internal or external trigger sources. Remote control via USB and LXI compliant LAN (standard) can be supplemented by optional GPIB if required.
Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generators 80 & 160MHz models
TGF3000 Series
The TGF3000 series of function/arbitrary generators offers signal generation capability up to 160MHz on two identical full performance channels that can operate independently or in coupled or tracking modes. Precise channel to channel phase control with a resolution of 0.001° is provided.
Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator With 40 To 240MHz Models
TGF4000 Series
The TGF4000 series of function/arbitrary generators offers signal generation capability up to 240MHz on two identical full performance channels that can operate independently or in coupled or tracking modes. Precise channel to channel phase control with a resolution of 0.001° is provided. A wide range of built-in waveforms is included and custom arbitrary waveforms can be used at sample speeds up to 800MS/s and replay rates up to 80MHz. PC based arbitrary waveform generation and editing software is provided.
Dual Measurement Bench Multimeter
1908 Series
The battery operation can give more than 35 hours of operation. As well as adding portability to the unit the battery option provides isolation from the mains to aid low level measurement integrity. The USB interface is fully accessible in battery mode, allowing full data logging when used with a laptop pc. The dual measurement display shows the main and secondary reading simultaneously to provide either two parameters of the same signal (eg AC and DC Volts), two different signals (e.g AC Volts and DC current), the result and calculated function (eg value and % deviation), two different units (eg AC Volts and dBm) or the measurement along with the selected range.
Electronic Loads
Flexible electronic DC loads for general purpose applications. Voltage up to 80V, current up to 80A and power up to 600 watts. CI, CR, CG, CV and CP modes, built-in transient generators. Models with USB, RS232, GPIB and LXI compliant LAN interfaces.
EMC Analyzers
Mains and harmonics analyzer and associated low distortion AC power source for EMC measurements to EN61000-3-2 and EN61000-3-3.
Frequency Counters
Handheld and bench-top frequency counters up to 6GHz Universal counters with VLF capability and pulse measurement and totalizing in addition to frequency/period.
Function Generators
Analogue and Digital (DDS) function generators with frequency capability from 3MHz up to 50MHz. Single and dual channel models with a comprehensive range of modulations and other capabilities. Remote control models with variants of USB, RS232, GPIB and LAN interfaces.
Handheld 3GHz Freqency Counter
3 Hz to 3000 MHz in two overlapping rangesHigh input sensitivity over the full frequency rangeHigh impedance measurement up to 125 MHzReciprocal counting technique gives superior resolutionPeriod measurement from 3 Hz to 125 MHzBattery operation and lightweight, handheld formatPush-to-measure function with auto power-downLarge 8+ digit display with full range of annunciatorsSelectable measurement time; display hold functionNoise filter for low frequency measurements
High Performance Function/Arbitrary/Pulse Generator 25MHz Or 50MHz, 1 Or 2 Channels
TG251xA/501xA Series
One or two channels0.001mHz to 50MHz/25MHz range; 14 digits or 1uHz resolution.Standard waveforms include sine, square, ramp, pulse, sin(x)/x, noise, exponential, logarithmic and PRBS.True pulse generator with variable delay and variable rise/fall.Arbitrary waveforms of up to 128K points at up to 125MS/s.Waveform storage using USB flash drives.Large graphic LCD with simultaneous text and waveform display.Comprehensive internal and external digital modulations including AM, FM, PM, PWM, FSK, BSPK, Sum and PRBS.20mV to 20V pk-pk output from 50Ohms ; plus multi function aux. out.Storage for multiple instrument set-ups in non-volatile memory.Waveform Manager Plus for Windows software included.Programmable via USB and LAN (LXI) interfaces; GPIB optional
LCR Measurement
LCR component bridge with built-in test fixture and limits comparator with binning. Micro-ohmmeter with four terminal Kelvin clip leads. High basic accuracy, rechargeable battery operation.
Low Distortion 1kW Power Source With UK/Schuko/USA Socket.
Provides an EN61000–3–2 compliant source1000W power capability at 230VUp to 4·4A rms load current and up to 10A peak currentsComprehensive overload protectionConnection via standard power connectors