Atlas Material Testing Technology
Providing our customers with sophisticated technology and advanced testing solutions to determine how long their products will last. As a result, they can reach their ultimate goals: a quality product, a competitive edge, a faster time to market
- 773-327-4520
- 773-327-5787
- 1500 Bishop Court
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
United States
Fluorescent/UV Instrument
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The innovative design is a new, higher standard in terms of features, ease-of-use, accuracy and safety as compared to competitive fluorescent UV devices. - Proven performance matches or exceeds other brands
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The practical benchtop xenon lamp unit with useful accessories to tailor your SUNTEST towards your needs. Here you see the SunCool chiller (for pharmaceuticals / cosmetics), the SunTray sample exchanger (for in-vitro SPF), and the SunFlood immersion unit ( for coatings / sealants).
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The SUNTEST XLS+ is used to check for property changes of materials and products caused by sunlight, temperature and moisture in a short period of time. The aging which, outdoor or indoor, may take place over months or years, such as fading, yellowing or loss of strength, can often be simulated within weeks inside a SUNTEST.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Ci5000 is approved by many OEMs in the automotive, paints & coatings and plastics industries as the exclusive platform to deliver accurate, reproducible and repeatable results for predicting service life. The Ci5000 has been certified CE, UL, CSA, ISO and EN compliant.
Xenotest Beta+
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Xenotest Beta+ is a premium stand-alone rotating rack xenon instrument with 4000cm2 exposure area. It comes with a complete set of parameter controls.
Weathering Test Services
Atlas Material Testing Technology
For over 100 years, Atlas has been the worldwide leader in real time and accelerated weathering testing.
Xenotest Beta+
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Xenotest Beta+ FD is a premium stand-alone rotating rack xenon instrument with a 4000 cm2 exposure area. This instrument is specifically designed to meet the testing needs of the FMCG industry, such as drinks, foodstuffs, personal care and household products. The Beta+ FD enables consumer goods manufacturers to test their products realistically within very short test times, typically with acceleration factors between 10-50 times faster than real time.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Xenotest 440 is a highly versatile xenon weathering instrument for a variety of materials. Designed for fast and economical testing, the Xenotest 440 utilizes XenoLogic™, a revolutionary new twin-lamp operating technology which enables high irradiance levels of 120 W/m2 of total UV radiation.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Xenotest 220 and Xenotest 220+ are large capacity lightfastness testers dedicated for textile testing. They come with premium on-rack light and temperature sensor and non-aging optical filter technology. With the ability to test 38 samples, the 220 Series provides nearly twice as much capacity in the same footprint compared to 150S+. The combination of its large test chamber and the efficient use of power and water make it today‘s most economic air-cooled instrument available. It complies to standards ISO 105 B02, AATCC TM16 (option 3), and Marks & Spencer C9, C9A.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
For over 100 years, Atlas instruments have revolutionized the science of weather durability testing. The new Atlas Ci4400 Weather-Ometer® is our most advanced instrument yet providing easy and effortless operation, unmatched uniformity, increased capacity and a sleeker design, delivering unparalleled value and performance.
Weather-Ometer/ Fade-Ometer
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Ci3000+ Weather-Ometer and Fade-Ometer with their advanced digital control systems, represent monumental achievements in applying digital and optical technologies in easy-to-use laboratory weathering instruments. The 3000 Series is approved by many OEMs in the textiles, paints & coatings and plastics industries as the exclusive platform to deliver accurate, reproducible and repeatable results for predicting service life. The 3000 Series has been certified CE, UL, CSA, ISO and EN compliant.
Xenotest Xenon-Arc Instruments
Atlas Material Testing Technology
These premium rotating rack, xenon-arc air-cooled weathering instruments have an array of optional features to meet virtually all global weathering and lightfastness test methods. They incorporate state-of-the-art controls, including on-the-rack, radio controlled sensor technology for superior monitoring of light and temperature. They provide highly efficient systems for water and power to provide economical operation. The intuitive user interface makes programming and operation easy.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Atlas SUNTEST XXL+ is a large xenon lamp weathering and lightfastness test chamber meeting various ISO, ASTM, and ICH industry standards. Its horizontal 3000 cm2 exposure area is best-in-class for 3-D specimen testing.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Atlas SUNTEST XXL+FD is an extra-large light stability test chamber especially tailored towards the needs of consumer goods, food and beverage testing. Its 3000 cm2 flatbed exposure area and tall chamber height is best-in-class for 3-D specimens testing and can accommodate all types of bottles and packaging.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The Atlas SUNTEST XXL+ ST is an extra-large xenon lamp flatbed instrument especially tailored towards the needs automotive parts testing. A dedicated model for testing automotive interior & exterior methods per the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J2412 and J2527 test methods.