IWATSU Electronic Co., Ltd.
Development, manufacturing and sales of electric & electronic measurement equipment and control systems
- +81-3-5370-5483
- +81-3-5370-5492
- info-tme@iwatsu.co.jp
- 7-41, Kugayama 1-Chome
Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-8501
Universal Counters
SC-7217A / SC-7215A
The SC-7217A / SC-7215A universal counters provide full capabilities including frequency, period, time interval, pulse width, phase, frequency ratio, duty cycle, event accumulation and peak voltage measuring, with simple operation. They are suitable for R&D and technical training as a basic measuring instrument as well as for production/inspection lines.
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-8000 Series
The CS-8000 series are equipped with a high-voltage source of up to 5 kV and a high-current source of 2 kA. It features Pulse output, Gate pattern, and very small current measurement capabilities, and it supports the design evaluation of wideband-gap semiconductors such as SiC and GaN.
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-5000 Series
*Max. Peak Voltage : 5,000V(HV mode)*Max. Peak Current : 1,500A(HC mode)*Equipped all models with LEAKAGE mode (Cursor resolution 1pA)*USB port for display hardcopy, waveform data (CSV format) and measurement setup SAVE/RECALL*LAN interface for Remote Control
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-3000 Series
*Max. Peak Voltage : 3,000V(HV mode)*Max. Peak Current : 1,000A(HC mode)*Equipped all models with LEAKAGE mode (Cursor resolution 1pA)*USB port for display hardcopy, waveform data (CSV format) and measurement setup SAVE/RECALL*LAN interface for Remote Control
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-10000 Series
This optional unit minimizes parameter variation on devices causedby heat. Pulse rise time can be configured for 1, 3, or 5ms; pulse duration from 1ms to 20ms; and pulse interval from 100ms to 2 seconds. This option is installed at the factory. Any changes desired after purchase will require return the unit back to IWATSUfactory.
Rogowski Coil Current ProbesTOP
*Switching current waveform and pulse response characteristics of power devices*Current measurements of inverter system*AC current measurements (at large DC offset)*Impulse high current measurements*Bus Bar high current measurements
Universal Counter
A lineup of three new types of universal counters with high cost performance that features easy-to-use one key, one action, the user-friendly display guide and calculation functions support any application. The SC-7205A universal counter provides full capabilities including frequency, period, time interval, pulse width, phase, frequency ratio, duty cycle, event accumulation and peak voltage measuring, with simple operation. They are suitable for R&D and technical training as a basic measuring instrument as well as for production/inspection lines.
Isolation Measurement System
*The input block, control block and display block are isolated with optical fiber cables. (DM-900A/AL, DM-910A/AL)*Frequency bandwidth: DC to 500MHz.*Simultaneous multi-channel measurement of many channels of different reference potentials. (2 to 24 channels) (DM-900A/AL)*Long-life battery drive. (The system can be driven by three batteries for about 12 hours) (DM-900A/AL, DM-910A/AL)*Measurement using long memory. (DM-900A/AL, DM-910A/AL)*Simultaneous measurements of the inverter's switching waveform and ON-voltage. (DM-910A/AL)
Digital Multimeter
Using the high-resolution LCD screen, you can view the measured values while watching the average, the maximum and the minimum values. Moreover, VOAC7602 enables you to observe the statistical values while viewing the Trend and the Histogram charts. Other than those above, there are various kinds of combinations of displays available to be shown aside and these can be chosen from many functions, such as LIMIT function, and Analog meter display, which is effective for analog judgment.
Differential Probe / Paired ProbeTOP
*1 Measured at 23°C environment connected to PS-02/PS-03 power supply(optional)*2 Broadband Noise, Bandwidth 30 MHz*3 Referred of output*4 Must be met to achieve best performance and avoid Damage to the Probe*5 Parts#890-880-104 : Twinholder M6 and 890-880-112 : Pair of Rail Clip Connectors 4mm are optional.
Digital Oscilloscopes
DS-8000 Series
■ 12-bit High-Resolution (up to High Res mode 16-bit)■ Max. 8 Analog channels■ 15.6-inch LCD touch display■ Off-Line Viewer (DS-8000 Viewer)
Digital Oscilloscopes
DS-5600A / DS-5400A Series
DS-5600A SeriesDS-5400A Series *Frequency bandwidth 100-500MHz *Maximum Sampling Speed 2GS/s * Max Input Channel 4CH *Maximum Memory Length 5Mpts
B-H Analyzer
SY-8218 / SY-8219
Soft magnetic components made of ferrite play an important role in electric components as they are used in a broad range of applications from low-frequency applications such as yokes for micromotors, to high-frequency applications such as flyback transformers, deflecting yokes, high-frequency transformers and magnetic heads. In actual operation, these magnetic components display characteristics different from DC magnetic characteristics or characteristics measured with an LCR meter.
Delay Pattern Generator (six-channel Pulse Generator)
*Seamless change: The frequency, pulse width, and other settings can be seamlessly changed during oscillation.*Tracking function: Parameters can be changed at the same time for each channel.*Operation pattern control: The operation pattern option enables continuous operation testing.*Synchronization of multiple generators: The quick synchronization option enables three generators (18 channels) to synchronously output data.