Established in 1985, Intusoft designs, develops and markets analog and mixed signal circuit design tools worldwide, backing each product with a comprehensive service and support program. Intusoft provides users with a one-stop resource for their analog and mixed signal simulation needs through our award-winning product line, Internet platform, and publications. By developing market-driven solutions and establishing a number of highly successful third-party relationships, Intusoft offers users a complete line of simulation products for the Windows 95/98 and Windows NT/2000 platforms. Intusoft is a supplier of high-performance, affordable, easy-to-use circuit design solutions, while maintaining high standards of service, support and reliability.
- (310) 547-0197
- (310) 547-1096
- 2500 Via Cabrillo Marina,
Suite 304 San Pedro,
CA, 90731
United States
ICAP/4 Consumer
Looking to build electronic circuitry and watch its operation right on your computer? ICAP/4 Consumer is an easy to use program that does exactly that. ICAP/4 Consumer enables you to quickly construct any type of analog, digital or mixed analog-digital design, apply electrical stimulus, and view signal waveforms throughout the design.
ICAP/4 Professional
If the industry's highest-performing and most affordable analog, mixed-signal, mixed-systems and IC simulation solution is on your list of tool requirements, then ICAP/4 Professional is your choice. This full-featured offering is at the apex of today's most comprehensive simulation solutions.
Your prescription for reducing the complexity of analog & mixed-signal design. Provides the most powerful, low-cost simulation solution on the market. Includes hierarchical and configurable schematic entry system (SpiceNet) and full simulation power, less special applications and multi-run analyses (Monte carlo, worst case, etc.).
An extensive SPICE toolset for extensive circuit design. Includes everything for analog and mixed-signal circuits, less ICAP/4's Smith chart, Library Manager and model generation tool (SpiceMod). Contains newly enhanced analyses for advanced design verification, design pass/fail measurement capability and automated component stress alarms.
IsSpice4 Server
IsSpice4 Server is a configurable simulation product licensed to run on a remote server primarily targeted for web-based services. The package includes Intusoft's simulation kernel (IsSpice4), ICAP simulation environment and all model libraries, to run on Windows 2000/2003 servers.
RF Deluxe
Expands the ICAP/4Windows tool suite (above) with focused RF capability (RF model library, model building tool "SpiceMod" and Smith Charts), advantageous for RF engineers.
SPICE Array Linking Technology
Spice Array Linking Technology, SALT, is a modeling interface that links huge data sets to the IsSpice4simulator. It was built using the Intusoft Code Model Software Development Kit, CMSDK. The interface iscomposed of two parts; the SALT kernel, array.dll, and a set of OLE2/ActiveX automation servers. TheSALT kernel interfaces and synchronizes data arrays from external software or hardware.
Power Supply Designer
Combines the ICAP/4Windows Power Deluxe tool suite (above); Magnetics Designer for the design and synthesis of all types of transformers and inductors; and Library Manager parts management system.
RF Deluxe
ICAP/4Rx RF Deluxe is an extended version of ICAP/4Rx, including simulation capability for RF frequency design. This powerful system includes everything you need to design and verify all types of board, engineering system and IC-level design. Of course, ICAP/4Rx Power Deluxe includes Intusoft's time-tested "IsSpice4" analog and mixed-signal simulation kernel, featuring more enhancement than any SPICE kernel on the market for convergence, accuracy, speed and interactive capability.
Intusoft Test Designer
Test Designer is today's only complete design simulation and verification system for analog, mixed-signal and mixed-systems design, which also features full fault and test synthesis capability. For the first time ever, engineers can efficiently design, simulate and test complex analog and mixed-signal circuitry in the design cycle