Ohm-Labs, Inc.
Ohm-Labs is the only USA company to focus exclusively on resistance. We work to continuously improve the performance, accuracy and stability of our metrology grade standards. Ohm-Labs manufactures Standard Resistors from 10 micro-ohms to 10 teraohms; Precision Current Shunts , and High Voltage Dividers.
- 866-431-0640
412-431-0640 - 412-431-0649
- 611 E. Carson St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15203-1021
United States
High Voltage Standard
The HVS uses precision matched resistors for high accuracy; it is a modified Park divider structure.
AC Current Shunts
CSA Series
Ohm-Labs’ CSA series of ac current shunts are designed as laboratory standards for ac current measurement up to high frequencies.
Working Standard Shunts
CSW shunts are rated to 100 % continuous current with no loss of accuracy. They are largely immune from connection errors common to many shunts. All CSW shunts include ISO17025 accredited calibration through full current range.
Complete Non-Contact Inspection System For OLED/TFT/LTPS
*Fastest*Workable to large panel as well as fine pattern of medium-small panel*Workable to large mother glass of every generation*Possible to dock width Repair Machine
Temperature Stabilized
Multiple Current Shunt
*IMPROVED ACCURACY*WIDE RANGE: <1 TO 300 A*HIGH IMMUNITY FROM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CHANGESDC OR AC USE*TRANSPORTABLE*CUSTOM VALUES AVAILABLEWith new features, Ohm-Labs' model MCS Multiple Current Shunt for the first time overcomes much of the chief problem with accurate current measurement.
Multiple High Resistance Standard
*1 MEGOHM TO 1 TERAOHM*FULLY GUARDED*HIGH IMMUNITY FROM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CHANGES*TRANSPORTABLEOhm-Labs' new Multiple High Resistance Standard maintains state-of-the-art resistance at levels above 1 megohm.
High Voltage Dividers
Ohm-Labs manufactures precision resistive high voltage dividers. By individually characterizing each resistor in the divider, voltage and power effects are minimized.
*High Accuracy.*Low Temperature Coefficients.*High Immunity from Environmental Effects.*High Reliability -From 0.01 Ω to 10 MΩ.*By Spetcial orders Only.
Resistance Standards
Ohm-Labs manufactures reference grade resistance standards from 10 micro-ohms to 10 teraohms. Each range of standards utilizes the latest advances in materials and processing for high stability and immunity from changes in ambient environment. All products are supplied with ISO17025 accredited calibration.
Automated Resistance Standard
The SmartResistor combines, into one transportable device, all the items needed to maintain resistance: a set of standard resistors, a controlled temperature bath, a low thermal emf scanner, and measurement data.
Precision Shunts
Ohm-Labs manufactures metrology grade shunts for precise measurement of current from <1 mA to 3000 A.