Data Proof
Data Proof offers extremely Low Thermal Scanners and Software that are ideal for automating precision DC measurements.
- (408) 919-1799
United States
Low Thermal Guarded Scanner
160B Opt. 5 & 320B Opt. 5
Data Proof’s Low Thermal Guarded Scanners are designed to improve accuracy in high resistance measurements. Unguarded, the Data Proof scanners have leakages of about 1.5 x 1012 Ω which can cause errors of a few tenths of a ppm when measuring 1 MΩ. Guarding reduces the errors allowing excellent accuracy up to the 1 GΩ level.
Quad Scanner
Model 164B
Data Proof 164B Low Thermal Scanner is designed to allow direct comparisons of four-terminal resistance standards. With two four-terminal output lines and sixteen fourterminal channel inputs, this scanner is an ideal companion for your automatic direct-current-comparator resistance bridge or for a variety of other applications. Make fourterminal resistance comparisons simply by selecting one device on the A channel and another on the B channel. All four connections for both devices in the matrix areswitched. All other devices are left floating.
Resistance Software
OhmRef provides the power of automation for Standards maintaining statistical control of resistance values in your laboratory. This program controls a Low Thermal Scanner along with other equipment commonly available in Standards Laboratories to compare resistance standards over the range of 100µΩ to 10GΩ . Comparison accuracies arebetter than 1 ppm in the midranges.
Voltage Maintenance Program
VoltRef provides the power of automation formaintaining statistical control of the volt in yourlaboratory. This program controls a low thermalscanner and voltmeter to compare voltagestandards using the process recommended by NISTand other national laboratories.