Kromek Group plc
To be the world-leading provider of multispectral radiation detection products and technologies to enable customers and users to take better decisions based on better information.
- +44 (0) 1740 626060
- NETPark
Thomas Wright Way
Sedgefield, County Durham TS21 3FD
United Kingdom
Compact Gamma Ray Detector
The EV-CPG compact gamma ray detector is perfect for a wide range of nuclear spectroscopy needs. This compact gamma detector is ideal for applications requiring high efficiency, high resolution, and room temperature operation. The compact size and rugged design allow for use in harsh or restrictive environments. Available in standard sizes of 10x10x10mm3 and 10x10x7.5mm3. Other sizes available in limited quantities.
CZT-based Radiation Detector
A CZT-based gamma radiation and x-ray detector perfect for immediate use (using Kromek KSpect or MSpect gamma spectroscopy software) or as the gamma radiation and x-ray detector component in your own radiation detector. Being CZT-based the SPEAR (Single Point Extended Area Radiation) can operate at room temperature while still offering high sensitivity. The SPEAR detector is a complete probe, comprising a 5x5x5mm3 CZT detector crystal and low noise hybrid preamplifier in a housing measuring only 13mm diameter x 84mm in length. The probe is supplied complete with a 2 metre long connecting input/output cable, allowing the unit to be used immediately.
CZT Gamma-Ray Detector Spectrometer
GR Family
The Kromek GR family is a range of CZT-based high-performance gamma-ray spectrometers. They are completely self-contained, with built-in preamplifier, shaping amplifier, baseline restorer, pulse height digitizer, and HV supply. The digitized pulse heights of detected gamma-ray signals are sent to a PC via the USB. The unit is powered entirely from the USB bus, so no external power supply is needed.
D3S Drone Radiation Detector
The D3S Drone radiation detector is designed for gamma and neutron activity mapping. Using a lightweight drone designed to be easily carried and quickly deployed to provide CBRNE Homeland Security or civil nuclear workers. The D3S Drone is with a way to map radiation hotspots and patrol a large area quickly. The operator receives the real-time data transmission (counts per second) to a six-inch screen separate to the drone flight control screen.
Gamma Air Monitor
Quant Air
QuantAir is a solution for measuring radioactive contamination in the air, it provides high-performance detection capabilities with accurate in-field quantification.
Gamma Ray Radiation Spectrometer
RadAngel is an ideal entry level, portable gamma-ray spectrometer that can be utilised for educational purposes in teaching concepts of radiation as well as for training in the use of radiation sensors.
ID Wearable RIID Gamma Neutron Detector
The D3S ID wearable RIID gamma neutron detector identifies radioisotopes and detects neutrons in seconds but unlike a conventional RIID, it is small and light enough to be wearable and concealable. All a suspect will see is someone looking at their mobile phone or listening to an earbud.
Multichannel Analyser
The K102 is a miniature USB-based multichannel analyser for gamma spectroscopy applications. It is perfect for colleges, universities and research work, and includes gamma spectroscopy software.
Rugged CZT-based Isotope Detector
A powerful and rugged handheld gamma detector for high-resolution radioactive isotope identification. The RayMon10 is one of the most powerful and rugged handheld radiation monitors in the world. It can be used to detect, measure and accurately identify gamma-ray emitting radionuclides, providing high-resolution isotope identification using the latest CZT solid-state detector technology. It is an all in one solution to your gamma radionuclide identification needs
Scintillator Detectors
SIGMA Family
Our SIGMA range of CsI(Tl) thallium activated caesium iodide scintillator radiation detector products replaces conventional photomultiplier technology with state of the art SiPMs. These gamma-ray detectors offer up to 32.8 cm3 of detection volume, delivered in a package providing significant benefits in cost, size, weight, power consumption and temperature stability. Robust, small and light SIGMA caesium iodide scintillator radiation detectors are perfect for radiation detection in the field and in the lab. Clients have flown them on drones, built them into large detector arrays and other devices. If you need fast detection in an easy to use package this is what you need.
Shielded Container with GR1 CZT-Based Gamma Radiation Detector
Quant GR1
Quant GR1 is a gamma detector solution for mobile laboratory radionuclide analysis. It is designed for measuring the activity of radionuclides in filters, filter papers, beakers of samples. It comes with an optimised and integrated lead/copper shield that enables operation in both standard and raised backgrounds.
The Modern Personal Radiation Detector
The D3S PRD personal radiation detector is a high-speed PRD or SPRD replacement that is a cost-effective radiation detection and preliminary identification device for first-line users. It fits on your belt or even in your pocket giving you radiation alerts for gamma and neutron radiation plus the ability to identify what isotopes have been found. It is the only PRD that detects the presence of radiation and also displays the isotope identified and it does all this in seconds.
Thermal Neutron Detector
The TN15 high sensitivity thermal neutron detector utilizes a state-of-the-art silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) and offers world-leading specification in a compact form. The TN15 surpasses the performance of a 100mm long 13mm3 He tube at 4 atmospheres and does not need cooling but operates at room temperature.