Newson Gale Inc.
The company’s experience and expertise in electrostatic grounding for hazardous areas goes back more than 30 years with the acquisition in 1990 of ‘Cenelectrex’ - a company supplying road tanker earthing systems to UK oil majors and chemical companies, - itself a company spun out of a larger industrial group in 1982.
- +1 732 961 7610
- 417-1 South Street
Marlborough, MA 01752
United States
FM/ATEX Approved Static Discharge Cable Reels
Cen-Stat Static Discharge Reels
Retracting cable reels are an alternative solution to using retractable Cen-StatTM spiral cable. They are normally specified for locations where there is a preference for ensuring process operators stow grounding clamps correctly for good "housekeeping" purposes when the clamps are not in use.
Portable Static Grounding Kit
Grounding Kit
The portable grounding kit combines multiple shortened grounding rods with surface wire grounding techniques to provide acceptably low resistance for static grounding requirements in field operations.
Static Dissipative Footwear Tester
The Sole-Mate is a user friendly device that is designed to test the condition of static dissipative footwear prior to entering safety critical hazardous areas exposed to potentially ignitable atmospheres.
Static Grounding for Process Plant & Equipment
Earth-Rite OMEGA II
The Earth-Rite OMEGA II monitors the resistance of the static grounding circuit for processes where a risk of static charge accumulation on the equipment could result in an incendive electrostatic spark within locations that have potentially flammable atmospheres present.
Static Grounding for Process Plant & Equipment
The Earth-Rite® MULTIPOINT II is a unique multi-channel static grounding system that can monitor the simultaneous grounding of up to eight (8) individual pieces of equipment at risk of discharging electrostatic sparks.
Static Grounding Protection for Process Plant & Equipment
Earth-Rite PLUS
Precision and reliability is what the Earth-Rite PLUS provides to HAZMAT professionals and engineers who are tasked with protecting personnel and plant assets from the ignition hazards of static electricity during tank car, LACT & skid unit and tote loading/unloading operations.
Static Grounding Protection for Tank Trucks
Earth-Rite RTR
Precision and reliability is what the Earth-Rite RTR provides to HAZLOC safety professionals and engineers who are tasked with protecting personnel and plant assets from the ignition hazards of static electricity during tank truck loading and unloading operations.
Truck Mounted Static Grounding Verification
Earth-Rite MGV
The Earth-Rite Mobile Ground Verification system (MGV) is a unique, patented technology designed to provide automatic confirmation of a positive electrostatic ground connection for trucks collecting and transferring flammable / combustible products.
Self-testing Static Grounding Clamp
Bond-Rite CLAMP
In many branches of the process industries, fires and explosions can result from electrostatic discharge in hazardous areas. Even relatively small sparks have sufficient energy to ignite many flammable vapours, gases and even airborne dusts. In situations, where this risk exists, static grounding (earthing) and bonding clamps are required wherever mobile or portable conductive plant items (such as drums and vessels etc) are used.
Self Testing Clamps with Visual Indicaiton
The advent of the Bond-Rite REMOTE has allowed the further development of a mains Externally Powered (EP) version. This is ideal for applications where the clamp will be attached to plant / containers for prolonged periods of time, or where a monitoring system without interlocks is required (eg. for use during manual product transfer).
Self testing clamps with Visual Indication
Bond-Rite EZ
The Bond-Rite EZ is an easy to use hand-held portable static bonding device that can quickly and securely establish and verify an equipotential bond between equipment for operations conducted in hazardous locations.
ATEX / FM Approved Grounding Clamps, Cables and Reels
Cen-Stat Static Grounding Clamps
Static grounding systems like the Earth-Rite range combine interlock control and visual indication to verified ground connection points and offer the highest levels of protection over electrostatic ignition risks. However, equipment specifiers may select passive grounding devices, like single pole clamps, to ground and bond plant equipment.
Hose Continuity Tester
The OhmGuard hose continuity tester is designed to test hoses used on vacuum trucks and tanker trucks prior to the transfer of flammable or combustible products
Self Testing Clamps with Visual Indication
Bond-Rite REMOTE
As an alternative to the standard Bond-Rite, a ?remote? version is also available. In this configuration, the Intrinsically Safe monitoring electronics, flashing green LED and battery power supply are housed inside a tough, corrosion resistant stainless steel enclosure, designed for wall mounting. An insulated stowage point, for the safe return of the clamp when not in use, is included.