Guzik Technical Enterprises
Guzik Technical Enterprises provides test solutions to the disk drive industry, as well as waveform acquisition tools for demanding ATE and OEM applications in avionics, signal intelligence, military electronics, physics, astronomy, semiconductors, and a variety of other disciplines.
- (408) 752-5840
- (650) 625-9325
- 2443 Wyandotte Street
Mountain View, CA 94043
United States
Digital Signal Processors
Powerful Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based Digital Signal Processors (DSP) with large memory, fast PCIe and optical data interfaces (ODI)
Fiber Optics Bridge Card
Guzik DP8000 Fiber Optics to PCIe® bridge / FPGA Accelerator Card, enables evolving markets such as High-speed Data-acquisition, High Performance Computing to take advantage of the latest Optics and DDR4 technology. The card provides up-to 24 bi-directional optical links with total user data bandwidth greater than 40 GB/s (320 Gbps) through the Samtec FireFly™ protocol-agnostic embedded optical engines.
Guzik Signal Analyzer
GSA 6000 Series
Works with Read-Write Analyzer RWA 4000. Guzik Signal Analyzer (GSA) 6000 series combines high-speed waveform digitizer with built-in digital signal processing hardware and high-speed data transfer link to a computer. The Signal Analyzer comes in a space-saving display-less 2U 19” rack-mounted form factor.
High Speed Digitizers
High performance and high speed digitizers with wide bandwidth and high dynamic range. Featuring high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) with Real-Time Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based digital processors. Long acquisition memory coupled with fast PCIe offload and streaming over optical data interfaces (ODI).
High-Speed Digitizers
ADP7000 Series
Guzik AXIe ADP7000 Series High-Performance Digitizer and Digital Processor combine high-speed waveform digitizer with built-in digital signal processing, which both enable mixed-domain signal capture and analysis with high-speed data transfer links to computers. The ADP7000 Modules (ADP7084 and ADP7104) come in a display-less 2U high 19” AXIe modular form factor.
Miniature AE Sensor With Isolated Integral 30 DB
The Guzik miniature AE sensor with isolated integral 30 dB preamplifier has a wide-band and excellent frequency response over the range of up-to 1 MHz. Its small size makes the sensor ideal for hard disk drive test or similar applications requiring very small size, low weight, wideband AE sensor response and high sensitivity. A small diameter, external flexible cable connects the sensor with a 3-pin JST connector on the other end.
PCIe X8 And X1 Bridge Card
The Guzik PCI Express Host Interface Bridge Card was designed to expand the x8 PCI Express Gen 2 (PCIe) slot in a host PC to an AXIe or a Guzik GSA 6000 chassis via a x8 PCI Express Gen 2 and a x1 PCI Express Gen 1 high speed PCI-SIG specified data cables. This allows the end node to connect to the host bus at speeds up to 3.2GByte/sec user data rate. The Bridge Card installs in a x8 or x16 slot of a PCIe backplane or a PCIe motherboard, provides additional board-based retention and reinforced front panel.
Read-Write Analyzers
Guzik Read/Write Analyzers (RWA) work in conjunction with Spinstands to write data to the disk media and read back the signal for detailed analysis. We have two RWA-4000 series available for For Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording (TDMR) and non-TDMR technologies. The RWA 4000 series offer upto 8Gbit/sec maximum write data rate and 3.5 GHz analog bandwidth for all parametric measurements. Each RWA features a pattern generator with 1psec resolution of bit pre-compensation and supports PRML chip integration. Servo writing and processing is provided for Guzik Spinstand models. Select the pre-amplifier (UP14) as well as a variety of enhancements including programmable filters and PRML chip adapters.
Universal Preamplifier 14
For Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording (TDMR) and Heat-assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) Headamplifiers. Universal Preamplifier 14 (UP14) is designed for TDMR and HAMR Head Amplifiers. With new Guzik RWA4000 TDMR, UP14 allows to process signals from three Read Channels. It also supports two high speed data channels for Write data and Laser data. UP14 has two channels for dynamic TFC control and allows to program TFC power per sector and close loop TFC power control in each channel. UP14 can generate two programmable modulation signals for write data and laser data with bandwidth up to 20 MHz. UP14 consist of two boards. The first UP14 RW Board processes high-frequency signals: read-back signals, write data and laser data. The second UP14 Control Board provides power, control and low-frequency signal generation: TFC, write data modulation and laser modulation.
8-bit Digitizers
Guzik AXIe ADC 6000 Series Digital Acquisition and Processing Modules combine high-speed waveform digitizer with built-in digital signal processing hardware, which enables mixed-domain signal capture and analysis with high-speed data transfer link to a computer. The ADC 6000 Modules come in a space-saving display-less 1U 19” AXIe modular form factor.
Pulse Radar Reference Test Solution
Compact Reference Solution with ADP7104, M8195A, WR15CCU, WR15CCD, N5183B combines commercial off-the-shelf COTS modular hardware and software from Guzik, Keysight Technologies, KJ Microwave and Virginia Diodes, which provides a flexible testbed for radar waveform generation and analysis. Generate and analyze pulse radar waveforms. Pre-correct waveforms for overall channel response. Supports many topologies for radar transmitter / receiver testing (IQ, IF, RF, microwave, millimeter-wave).
8 Gbit/s Read-Write Analyzer
Works with GSA 6044 digital signal analyzer to perform Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording (TDMR) measurements. RWA 4008 TDMR Read-Write Analyzer is a part of the new generation all-digital Guzik 4000 Series test systems. RWA 4008 TDMR requires Guzik signal analyzer GSA 6044 to provide a complete RWA TDMR solution for magnetic recording test applications.
Read-Write Analyzer Systems
4000 TDMR Series
For Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording (TDMR). The 4000 Series RWA Systems support UP12 preamplifier and the next generation front end cartridge/head amplifier designs on Guzik spinstands. Previous generation of head amplifiers together with UP11M are also supported by RWA-4000 TDMR Systems in one channel mode.
Besides the primary WITE32 Test Environment package at the heart of our spinstand-based test systems, Guzik offers a variety of software options to provide additional measurement accuracy and analysis. Control and Automation software enhances various electro-mechanical capabilities of the test system (such as servo accuracy), and the available suite of Analysis software tools provides deep insight into the drive component under evaluation. Adjacent Track Interference, 3D Pulse Profile, Media Scanning and Bit Error Rate are examples of some of the optional additions. Some software tools require the WDM5000 Waveform Digitizer to be part of the overall test system.
Spinstand Automation For Media Testing With XY-Positioning
Guzik V2002 XY-positioning spinstand uses the X and Y coarse positioning stages actuated by linear motors and the micro-positioning stage actuated by the piezo element aligned with X coordinate axis to place the tested head on the specified track. WITE32 software converts the requested track number and skew angle into X and Y coordinates.