Advent Instruments Inc.
Specializes in developing innovative and high performance test equipment for telephone manufacturers worldwide. Leveraging sophisticated technologies, we aim to create products that provide the features, speed, and accuracy required by designers and production facilities today.
- (604) 944-4298
- (604) 944-7488
- 111-1515 Broadway St.
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2
Terminal Equipment Simulator
The AI-5620 simulates a single port two wire analog TE (Terminal Equipment) or CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) device. It is designed to measure and analyze signals generated by a CO (central office) line card, VoIP terminal adapter FXS port, or any device utilizing a SLIC (subscriber line interface circuit).
Central Office Line Simulator
The AI-7280 is a highly flexible central office line simulator. It is designed primarily for the testing and verification of common terminal equipment, including standard telephones, Caller ID devices, SMS (Short Message Service) capable equipment, and any device using an analog Tip/Ring interface circuit. Supplied with the TRsSim software for Windows, it can analyze a telephone''s DTMF characteristics, pulse dialing and flash timing, generate various network tones and ringing patterns. Both Type I (on-hook) and Type II (off-hook) Caller ID is supported using either FSK or DTMF data transmission. As an optional component, the TRsSim software can perform SMS testing to either the ETSI protocol 1 or protocol 2 standards.
Production Caller ID Signal Simulator
The AI-80 is a fully programmable stand alone Caller ID signal generator designed for production environments. It is capable of generating signals for all FSK and DTMF based Caller ID standards. Includes general telephone signal analysis features and a highly flexible programming language for sophisticated and complex production testing sequences.
Telephone Line Monitor
The AI-5120 is a compact device designed for monitoring and analyzing signals present on the telephone line. By sensing the voltage present on the telephone line it detects and measures ringing, DTMF & pulse dialing, FSK (Bell 202 and V.23) signals, line polarity reversals, and open switching intervals (OSI). Working in conjunction with the TRsSim software on a PC, the AI-5120 becomes a valuable tool in analyzing and debugging Caller ID and SMS (Short Message Service) data transmission. Like an oscilloscope, it can capture and display waveforms showing various signals present on the telephone line.