Calibre was founded in 1988 by David Cliffe. Davids vision was to provide the food industry with food testing technology to ensure quality and safety. From the very beginning, customer service has always been at the forefront of the business, and something Calibre continually prides itself for.
- +44 (0) 1925 860 401
- 5-6 Asher Court Lyncastle Way
Appleton Thorn Trading Estate
Warrington, UK WA4 4ST
United Kingdom
Lactoscan MCC Milk Analyser
The Lactoscan MCC Milk Analyser makes quick analysis of milk and liquid Dairy products in just 30 seconds. The MCC uses Ultrasonic analysis to determine a wide range of parameters with just a small milk or Dairy sample.
NIR Analyser
Perten DA 7250
The DA 7250 is Perten’s latest At-Line and Lab NIR analyser, providing fast and accurate results in 6 seconds. It combines outstanding analytical accuracy with speed, ease of use and ruggedness to make it an all-in-one At-Line and Lab solution for many requirements.
NIR Grain Analyser
Perten Inframatic 8800
Portable NIR Instrument for protein, moisture and oil determination in grain and oilseed. The design is rugged, robust and simple to operate, but sophisticated enough to provide accuracy similar to elevator and lab instruments.
Perten Falling Number 1000
Often referred to as the Hagberg method, The New Falling Number 1000 system measures the alpha-amylase enzyme activity to detect sprout damage. Approved method by international standards - AACC, ICC, ISO.
Perten Falling Number 1310
The Falling Number (FN) method is a fast and easy test to determine alpha-amylase activity in order to detect sprout damage. The Perten Instruments FN method is the World Wide Standard for measuring alpha-amylase activity in both flour and meal of wheat, durum, rye, barley, other grains and malted cereals.
Wholegrain NIR Analyser
Perten IM9500 Plus
The Inframatic 9500 Plus NIR analyser is the fastest grain analyser on the market, built to meet the requirements of grain handing operations. It measures a wide range of grains and oilseeds for protein, moisture and more in 40 seconds.
Advanced Digital Imaging System
C-Cell Colour
The C-Cell Colour is an advanced digital imaging system that provides comprehensive quality analysis for bread and baked products. Provides analytical results for repeatable, reliable quality .Removes human error in quality control environmentsCalibrations can be tailored to meet manufacturers needs.Bread scoring system provides consistent results across sites.Over 50 different quality results relating to bakery products.Quantifiable results helps to easily score against targets.Helps to show the impact in structure when making slight changes in process/production/ingredients
Dairy Antibiotics Testing
Our range of dairy antibiotic testing equipment can be used on farm as well as in processor environments to make sure that rigorous food standards are maintained and backed with accurate results.
Grain Moisture Analyser
Perten AM5200
The AM5200 is a bench top moisture meter providing moisture and specific weight measurements in just 10 seconds. The high frequency technology penetrates deep into samples, providing more accurate analysis, regardless of temperature or crop type. This particular machine draws upon Perten’s extensive research and development with over 1,000 different types of grain moisture testing equipment, to offer unmatched analysis in terms of accuracy, repeatability and reliability.
Standard Parameters for Analysis
C-Cell Mono
C-Cell Mono is the original system and comes with the standard parameters for analysis. C-Cell Mono takes 1 image of the sample to produce analytical results such as crust wall thickness, size, shape and location. C-Cell Mono is the entry level model of the C-Cell range and offers all the basic image analysis needs for a baker.
Viscosity Analyser Range
Perten RVA
The RVA models are cooking, stirring viscometers with variable shear capability and programmable temperature ranges from -10°C up to 140°C. Developed for testing a wide range of rheological properties in grain, flour, starch, hydrocolloids, gelling systems and foods. They can be used to characterise viscosity development or degradation and ingredient functionality within the finished product and to optimise formulation control.
Hand-Helod Grain Protein & Moisture Meter
GrainSense is a revolutionary hand-held grain moisture metre which provides direct and in field data on Grain protein. GrainSense provides the ability for measure grain protein, moisture and nitrogen levels in the first truly portable format. Packaged in a robust and handheld format, the GrainSense moisture analyser provides real time results on grain nitrogen and moisture levels direct to you in the field - allowing you to manage your farm and crops based on direct data, saving you money and time.