Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Thermo Scientific - offering high-tech analytical instrumentation, lab equipment and automation technologies, reagents and consumables, and LIMS solutions.
- 781 622 1000
- 781-622-1207
- 168 Third Avenue
Waltham, MA 02451
United States
Chromatography Instruments & Equipment
Put our latest innovations in ion, gas and liquid chromatography to work in your laboratory. We’ve focused on developing leading-edge workflow solutions—from sample preparation, chromatographic separation, seamless integration with mass spectrometry, and data management and analysis—to meet today’s ever increasing demands for analytical performance, productivity and ease of use.
Gas Moisture & Sulfur Analyzers
Get fast responses and wide measurement ranges for reliable emissions monitoring. Our gas moisture and sulfur analyzers provide a solution for continuous and accurate determination of total sulfur in flare gas (high and low ranges), allowing sulfur emissions in process heaters and flares to be successfully monitored by petroleum refineries requiring compliance.
Handheld Narcotics Analyzer
The global drug problem is increasing, with trafficking of meth, heroin, and emerging threats like fentanyl, and carfentanil, impacting communities worldwide. Law enforcement officials need to quickly identify suspected narcotics in the field to help keep drugs, and drug dealers, off the streets. Now with the expanded v1.7 library, the Thermo Scientific™ TruNarc™ Handheld Narcotics Analyzer enables officers, customs, border control, and other personnel to scan more than 415 suspected illicit substances in a single, definitive test.
Online Sulfur Analyzer
The SOLA iQ On-line Sulfur Analyzer replaces expensive and time consuming laboratory sampling for measuring total sulfur in refinery products including gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and jet fuel as well as many process gas samples such as Natural Gas, NGL and SynGas. The SOLA iQ analyzer offers an online adaption of ASTM D5453, D6313, D6222 & ISO 20846.
Radiation Detection & Measurement Products
Detect, localize, identify, and measure radioactivity in any scenario. From routine monitoring and surveillance to emergency response situations, our advanced, integrated radiation detection instruments mitigate the threat and keep you safe. Our product portfolio of radiation detection solutions provides comprehensive, real-time monitoring, early warning, and complete information in the palm of your hand, in the work place, and in your neighborhood.
Scanning Electron Microscope
Verios G4 XHR SEM
The Thermo Scientific™ Verios G4 scanning electron microscope (SEM) provides sub-nanometer resolution from 1 to 30 kV and enhanced contrast needed for precise measurements on materials in advanced semiconductor manufacturing and materials science applications, without compromising the high throughput, analytical capabilities, sample flexibility and ease of traditional Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Scanning Electron Microscopes
Our Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs) resolve features from the optical regime down to the sub-nanometer length scale.
Soil Analysis
We offer a full spectrum of analytical technologies, and sample clean up and moisture extraction reagents, designed to provide reliable, accurate, and precise results that make compliance easier and help you reduce regulatory risks. Organic Elemental Analysis, Trace Elemental Analysis, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometry, Automated Discrete Photometry, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE).
Spectroscopy, Elemental & Isotope Analysis
Research, production and analytical laboratories worldwide rely on us for rapid, efficient qualitative and quantitative analysis. Our innovative instruments and user-friendly software serve a range of industrial, educational, environmental and health markets. We offer a comprehensive portfolio for the quantification and identification of trace elemental species at ppm to sub-ppt levels in addition to isotopes. We also provide a wide range of lab-based and handheld instruments employing analytical techniques including XRF, FTIR, NIR, Raman spectroscopy, IRMS, ICP-MS and more.
Manufacturing / Processing Testing & Analytical Solutions
Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed a range of process, testing, and analytical solutions for semiconductor and integrated circuit manufacturers, petrochemical refineries, steel, aluminum, plastics, rubber, and nonwovens manufacturers, water analysis facilities, and more—all aimed at helping you achieve your business goals. Flow Measurement, Density Measurement, Level Measurement, Metals Coating Weight & Thickness Measurement Gauges, Moving Web Thickness & Weight Measurement Systems, Process Mass Spectrometers, Gas Moisture & Sulfur Analyzers, Petroleum Testing, Natural Gas Testing.
ESD & Latch-Up Test System
Identify and help correct ESD and latch-up susceptibility issues on sensitive integrated circuit components prior to full-scale production with the Thermo Scientific™ MK.2-SE ESD and Latch-Up Test System. The MK.2-SE test system provides advanced capabilities to test high pin count IC devices to Human Body Model (HBM) and Machine Model (MM) ESD standards. The system’s pulse delivery design addresses wave form hazards such as trailing pulse and pre-discharge voltage rise, and performs Latch-Up testing per the JEDEC EIA/JESD 78 Method.
Cement, Coal & Mineral Test & Analytical Solutions
Keep coal, cement, or mineral processing operations running efficiently, safely, and profitably. Thermo Scientific™ cross-belt online analyzers for cement and coal reduce process upsets and increase throughput with minute-by-minute composition analysis of ores and concentrates. Additionally, Thermo Scientific elemental and particle size analyzers for mineral beneficiation and flotation plants—when integrated with our sampling and analysis solutions—help you to increase the efficiency of your process.
Mass Spectrometry
Thermo Scientific™ high resolution mass spectrometry systems take discovery and sample analysis to new heights. We offer easy, high-throughput, quantitative workflows for proteins, drug metabolites, pesticides and many other applications. Whether you’re detecting disease biomarkers or performing forensic analysis on drugs of abuse, our mass spectrometers give you the resolution, accuracy, sensitivity, and throughput that you need to advance your science.
Mass Spectrometer
Q Exactive™ Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap
Identify, quantify and confirm more compounds rapidly and with confidence using the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. This benchtop LC-MS/MS system combines quadruple precursor ion selection with high-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) Orbitrap detection to deliver exceptional performance and versatility. The Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer is equally useful for untargeted or targeted screening and a broad range of qualitative and quantitative applications in drug discovery, proteomics, environmental and food safety, clinical research and forensic toxicology.
Forensics Test & Analytical Solutions
Science and technology are playing an increasing role in the investigation and prosecution of crime. Technology innovation, automation, databases and good laboratory practices are essential to the pursuit of justice and are critical to the appropriate collection, assessment, and application of evidence in the criminal justice system. Forensic Toxicology, Antidoping, Forensic DNA Analysis, Controlled Substances, Trace Evidence Detection, Suspicious Documents, LIMS for Forensics Labs, Forensics Resource Library, Human Identification.