NuVant Systems, Inc.
NuVant Systems is a worldwide provider of electrochemical instrumentation for academicians, industries, and national laboratories. We customize electronics for analysis, reconditioning and de-energizing of batteries for aftermarkets, repurposing, and end-of-life recycling. NuVant empowers small businesses and large vehicle fleets to improve energy storage device lifecycles, bringing electrochemistry to the streets. By integrating electronics and chemistry, we offer a scientific approach to success in the renewable energy market.
- 1.455.3GLOBAL
(219) 644-3231 - (219) 779-9675
- 130 N. West Street
Crown Point,, Indiana 46307
United States
Electrochemistry Research Equipment
Our electrochemical equipment will help your group achieve laboratory and research goals. The best-selling EZstat Pro potentiostat/galvanostat can run cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), battery tests, and high speed galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT). The EZstat HV potentiostat delivers up to 1 amp at 25 volts. The Powerstat comes in two configurations (5 amp vs 20 amp). The Duostat bipotentiostat can operate rotating ring-disk electrode experiments. The Arraystat and ArrayPGstat feature multichannel operation with different customizable options (current range, number of channels, etc.).
Impedance Spectroscopy
NuVant EZware-EIS Software Package
The NuVant EZware-EIS software package activates Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on the EZstat-Pro, Powerstat-05 and -20 potentiostat/galvanostats. EZware-EIS exports the impedance data to a file format to accommodate free third party EIS analysis software. EZware-EIS is a user-friendly interface that allows selection of the proper scanning parameters, collect the impedance spectra, display data in Nyquist and/or Bode plots and export data in the proper data format for use in EIS analysis software.
Multichannel Pontentiostats
Arraystat Series
Arraystat instruments are multichannel potentiostats that utilize a common counter electrode. 25 channel potentiostat with common counter-reference electrode for combinatorial chemistry.
Operando Spectroscopy
The operando cells, designed to interface with certain IR and Raman spectrometers, enable study of electrode surfaces during normal operation. Choose between the "fuel cell" and "solid electrode" configurations. These custom - designed tools can help your research lab understand how materials behave under operation.
EZstat Pro
The EZstat Pro potentiostat/galvanostat uses a versatile menu-driven waveform generator (periodic or aperiodic) with preset battery cycling, Tafel plots, and cyclic voltammetry procedures.Users can program sequences of steps blending current and potential control with a resolution of 8 uS/point. EZstat Pro can perform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and uses active IR compensation. The instrument can interface with the EZpump peristaltic pump for flow batteries and fuel cells.
Potentiostat/Galvinostat Electrochemical Instuments
- 16 bit DAQ card- 250 kS/s aggregate- 125 kS/s per channel- Step Impedance Spectroscopy- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) 0.01 – 10 kHz- 5-lead cable (3 electrodes, sense & ground)- LabVIEW EZware software- Free software upgrades. 1 year parts and labor warranty- EIS information
Solid Electrode Spectrochemical Cell
The spectroelectrochemical cell enables acquisition of infrared and Raman spectra of working electrode discs (variable sizes, up to 10 mm OD) under flowing solution. Working electrodes available include: Pt, Au, Ag, Cu, glassy carbon, etc. The cell uses a Pt-wire counter electrode and a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. For use with the EZpump peristaltic pump. Adapts to the Harrick Praying MantisTM Diffuse Reflection Accessory.
25 Channel Potentiostat/Galvinostat
For any selected cutoff voltage or current, early finishers are held at open circuit until all cells complete the charge or discharge period. All cells are switched at identical state-of-charge.- Multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat- Compliance voltage ±15 V- Voltage control ±10 V- Waveform signal sources (4 maximum)- ±100mA/channel (40 channels maximum)- 8 kHz bandwidth- Maximum scan rate 100 V/sec- Battery charge-discharge cycling: Time and/or voltage switching parameters.
HEV Battery Reconditioner
Battery reconditioning and cell balancing is a well understood process for NiMH batteries. The procedure was initially developed for NiCad batteries decades ago. NuVant Systems has simplified the process to bring electrochemistry to the streets. The EVc unit is a push-one-button-after-wire-up system for small shops to large vehicle operators.
HEV & EV Power Tester
The EVd-40 Power Tester is a pre- and post-reconditioning tool for quality control of aftermarket HEV & EV battery production. The equipment integrates a “smart” charger (Sorensen XG 1700 or Kepco KLN 1500W) with NuVant Systems high power discharge electronics. The "power test" discharges battery packs at high power (10,000 watts), while tracking module voltages. The software monitors up to 40 module voltages at a time, identifying any weak modules. The "smart" charger performs charging constant current (CC), constant voltage (CV) and complex mixed mode constant current – constant voltage (CCCV) charging protocols at voltages up to 600 V. This enables recharge of any type of rechargeable battery.
HEV/EV Battery Equipment
Our line of HEV / EV Battery Equipment combines sophisticated electronics, advanced technology, and user-friendly operation. The EVc Battery Reconditioner processes all types of nickel metal hydride HEV batteries. Worldwide, the EVc has proven to be a neccesary workhorse for any hybrid auto shop or garage. The EVd Power Tester monitors individual module voltages during high power battery discharge. The EVd also features a "smart" charger that performs complex CCCV charging. We are currently developing technology to process and rebalance the Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles.