Nanonics Imaging Ltd.
Nanonics Imaging is the premier innovator of AFM and NSOM systems in the SPM market.
- 1-800-673-0875
972-2-678-9573 - 972-2-648-0827
AFM & SPM Probes
Nanonics offers a wide variety of custom-made probes for Nanonics MultiView systems to meet all your imaging, writing, manipulation, and characterization needs. See below for different categories of probes we offer.
Muliprobe systems
AFM-Raman & TERS
AFM-Raman is a synergistic tool combining a sample's topography and chemical signature. The Nanonics platform provides true upright or inverted integration without altering the Raman's path allowing for the ultimate in Raman and AFM imaging. This seamless integration provides many advanced features such as: All modes of TERS operation on both conducting and non-conducting surfaces.
NSOM Is the premier tool for imaging and manipulation of light on the nanoscale and is a critical instrument for understanding plasmonics, photonic waveguides, photovoltaic and photoconductivity studies. The optical openness of the NSOM system permits any illumination scenario while the Multiprobe NSOM head offers optical transport and dynamic study on the nanoscale for the first time. Offering a variety of options from entry level to low-temperature systems, the MultiView NSOM series has been the platform of choice for imaging on the nanoscale for nearly two decades.
Single Probe Scanning Probe Microscope
MultiView 2000
an advanced single probe scanning probe microscope enabling a variety of modes of AFM/SPM/NSOM imaging. Nanonics has designed The MultiView 2000TM for excellence in scanning probe microscopy while allowing for near-field and far-field optical NSOM/Raman/TERS imaging without perturbation. The Multiview 2000TM is the only commercially available instrument that offers both tip and sample scanning. This versatility is important for different operation modes where the user can now choose whether the sample or tip is static. The Multiview 2000TM further offers the most stable feedback mechanism available in the form of normal force feedback with tuning fork actuation.