Elmika is research and development organization which develops electronic measurement instruments, components and systems for microwave, millimeter and sub-millimeter (THz) wave frequency ranges, including signal generators, scalar and vector network analyzers, power meters, frequency meters, direct reading attenuators, frequency converters for spectrum analyzers, waveguide components and antennas for wireless applications.
- +370 5 2333426
- +370 5 2163668
- info@elmika.com
- 41, Naugarduko str
Vilnius, LT-03227
Directional Coupler
The DCZ-XXE/Y directional couplers are used for extracting or introducing RF power flow in a transmission line withoutdistortion of signal characteristics. The directional couplers are available in 3, 6, 10, 15, 20 dB coupling values and30 - 35 dB minimum directivities*. 4-ports directional couplers are available in bi-directional (BDC4-XXE/Y) and dual-directional(DDC4-XXE/Y) configurations.
Direct Reading Attenuator
DAXE Millimeter-Wave Direct Reading Attenuator is a measurement instrument for signal level setting or loss measurements in waveguide networks. It also can be used for calibration of other attenuation measurement instruments. Direct Reading Attenuators have rotary-vane design. The value of attenuation is determined by rotation angle of resistive film with respect to the waveguide channel. Attenuation value does not depend on of frequency.The Attenuators are provided in waveguide bands between 18 GHz and 225 GHz.
Direct Reading Attenuator with Remote Control
DA2XE Millimeter-Wave Direct Reading Attenuator is a measurement instrument for signal level setting or loss measurements in waveguide networks. It also can be used for calibration of other attenuation measurement instruments. Direct Reading Attenuators have rotary-vane design. The value of attenuation is determined by rotation angle of resistive film with respect to the waveguide channel. Attenuation value does not depend on frequency. The attenuator has electronic control. The attenuator can be used in local or remote (via USB 1.1 or higher) operation modes.The Attenuators are provided in waveguide bands between 18 GHz and 225 GHz.
Fixed Attenuator
Fixed Attenuators are waveguide components for introduction of some particular attenuation value in to the waveguide network for signal leveling or reflection compensation. The attenuators have two types of design: with resistive plate in the waveguide diagonal plane or using coupling technology. The FAXE 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30 dB attenuators are available in waveguide bands from 18 through 225 GHz. The FAXE Fixed Attenuators can be used as laboratory Standards against which other instruments or devices are calibrated in case the parameters of these Fixed Attenuators are stable enough and were measured with appropriate accuracy.
The FSXE Fixed Waveguide Shorts and the TSXE Tunable Shorts are available for creation of the shorts circuit conditions in waveguides. The TSXE Tunable Waveguide Shorts are movable shorts, adjustable through at least half a wavelength at the low end of the band. The TSXE Shorts consist of movable noncontacting choke plungers within a straight section of waveguide. The FSXE and TSXE Shorts are provided in five waveguide bands between 33 GHz and 225 GHz.
Variable Attenuator
The VAXE Variable Attenuators are waveguide components for tunable signal leveling or reflection compensation in waveguide networks. The Attenuators consist of waveguide section with a resistive film evaporated on the mica surface. The Attenuators has 0 ÷30 dB minimum attenuation range. The VAXE Attenuators are available in four waveguide bands between 33 GHz and 170 GHz.
Vector Network Analyzer
The R42XXE Vector Network Analyzers are designed for measuring of S-parameters, VSWR and impedance of waveguide networks in the full frequency ranges of standard waveguides between 33 and 170 GHz. Frequency accuracy is ±0.2%. The measurement range of reflection factor modulus is from 0 to 1. The measurement range of reflection factor phase is from 0 to ±180° for 0.1< |Гx|<1 with accuracy ±7.5 o in 18-75 GHz frequency range and ±9.6° in 75-170 GHz frequency range. The measurement range of transmission factor phase is from 0 to ±180 o with accuracy ±(5+0.1 |Ax|) o for Ax >-50 dB in frequency range to 75 GHz, for Ax >-30 dB - to 170 GHz. Data can be displayed in the rectangular, Smith or polar diagrams. VNA requires Personal Computer with USB interface.
Band Pass Filters
High-Pass (HPF series), Low Pass (LPF series) and Band Pass (BPF series) Filters are available, providing desired skirt selectivity and rejection levels with minimum insertion loss in the pass band. The filters are offered in all standard waveguide bands covering 18 to 400 GHz depending on our possibility to fulfil the customers' requirements. Dimensions of filters depends on required specifications. .
Signal Generator
The G4-1XXM series Signal Generator is general-purpose source for testing and verification of microwave equipment in industrial and laboratory conditions. The instrument provides high accuracy millimeter-wave signal level in wide attenuation range and can be integrated in manual or automatic measurement systems.
Scalar Network Analyzer
The R24XE Scalar Network Analyzers provide both manual and automated VSWR, insertion and return losses measurements in five waveguide bands from 33 to 225 GHz. The system consists of the G44XE sweep generator, waveguide reflectometer, network analyzer and personal computer.
Sweep Generator
The G440XE Sweep Generators are portable powerful wideband general-purpose sources for swept and CW microwave measurements in local or remote operation modes. It incorporates the efficiency of micro-processing control with state-of-the-art BWO oscillator to produce a high performance sweep generator system suited for either manual or automated measurements.
Straight Waveguide Section
Straight sections are used to make connections between components in waveguide systems. Lengths and combinations are available on special order. VSWR is better than 1.1 over the full waveguide frequency band. Precision flanges on special order.
Calometric Power Meter
The M1-25M/XXE series instruments are high precision broadband Calorimetric Sensors operating in millimeter and sub-millimeter wave range on a principle of substitution of microwave power by direct current power, using an autocompensating transistor transducer. Calorimetric Sensor is supplied with Calorimetric Power Meter M1-25M (measurement and indicator block), which provides PC connection via USB interface.Calorimetric Power Meter with Calorimetric Sensor provides accurate absolute power measurements in single mode and multimode waveguides (Metal Dielectric Waveguide) which could be a priority for terahertz physics and technology.
Detector Mount
The DMXE Detector Mounts are broadband devices designed for operation in millimeter wave range. The Detectors are optimized for broadband performance and are used in mm-wave test setups to detect, monitor and measure modulated signals.The DMXE Detector Mounts use Schottky Barrier packaged diodes and are provided in five waveguide bands between 33 GHz and 225 GHz.
Magic Tee
The MHTXE Magic Tee Hybrid Couplers for millimeter waves are matched power dividers for variety of applications (general purpose power splitters, power combiners, phase measurement circuits, phase / frequency discriminators). The MHTXE Magic Tee Hybrid Couplers are available in waveguide bands between 33 and 170 GHz. These couplers are four-port transmission line components with a port configuration as shown in figure. Operation bandwidth is limited to 20÷90% waveguide operation frequency range depending on performance specifications.