MikroElektronika D.O.O.
MikroElektronika was grounded on a simple idea. We want to provide software and hardware tools which save time of our fellow engineers and help them to get the job done quickly. We want to make electronics understandable, to bring it to ordinary people and help them improve their lives. On that journey we developed devices that are sophisticated, powerful, beautifully designed and what is most important – easy to use. Our products include development boards, compilers, accessory boards, additional software and books for all major microcontroller architectures. We have a passion for quality. We do what we love and love what we do.
- +381 11 78 57 600
- office@mikroe.com
- Batajnički drum 23
11186 Zemun
Belgrade, 201063
Click Boards
Click Boards for Wireless Connectivity, Sensors, Interface, Display & LED, Mixed Signal, Storage, Motor Control, Audio & Voice, HMI, Clock & Timing, Power Management, & more.
Compilers for PIC, dsPIC/PIC24, PIC32, ARM, AVR, FT90x, 8051; GUI Development Software.
Development Boards
Everything From Full-Featured to Tiny Starter Boards. Professional, full-featured development platforms, rich in modules. Each Easy Board features on-board programmer or debugger, and supports an entire family range of microcontrollers.
Environment click
Environment click measures temperature, relative humidity, pressure and VOC (Volatile Organic compounds gases). The click carries the BME680 environmental sensor from Bosch. Environment click is designed to run on a 3.3V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over SPI or I2C interface.
Intelligent Proximity & Light Sensing Device
Proximity 3 click
Proximity 3 click is an intelligent proximity and light sensing device, which features the VCNL4200 sensor from Vishay - high sensitivity long distance proximity sensor (PS), ambient light sensor (ALS) and 940 nm IRED, all in one small package.
Magnetic Rotary 3 Click
Magnetic Rotary 3 Click is a compact add-on board for accurate magnet-position sensing. This board features the AS5147, an SPI-configurable high-resolution rotary position sensor for fast absolute angle measurement over a full 360-degree range from ams AG. The AS5147 position sensor suppresses the influence of any homogenous external stray magnetic field, equipped with a revolutionary integrated dynamic angle error compensation (DAEC™) with almost zero latency. It also comes with onboard headers reserved for incremental and commutation signals of their respective A/B/I and U/V/W signals alongside embedded self-diagnostics, including magnetic field strength too high, magnetic field strength too low or lost magnet, and other related diagnostic features. This Click board™ has been designed to support BLDC motor commutation for the most challenging automotive applications.
Starter Boards
Clicker, Clicker 2, Clicker 4, FLip & Click, Universal Boards, MINI, Ready, mikroBoard, StartUSB, & more
Temperature Measurement click board
Thermo J click
Thermo J click is a temperature measurement click board™, which uses a thermocouple type-J probe, connected to a PPC-SMP-J onboard connector. The active part of the Thermo J click is MCP9600 by Microchip - a thermocouple EMF to temperature converter, with 1.5°C of maximum accuracy. The onboard PCC-SMP-J connector ensures the secure connection and accurate readings for the connected thermocouple.
K-type Thermocouple to Digital Converter
THERMO K click
THERMO K click carries the MCP9600 IC from Microchip. Depending on the type of probe it uses the click can measure temperatures from −200 °C to +1372 °C.
Air Quality Sensing Device
Air quality 4 click
Air quality 4 click is an advanced air quality sensing device that combines multiple metal-oxide sensing elements on a chip to provide detailed information of the air quality parameters. This click can output a TVOC value readings as well as the CO2 equivalent concentration readings in an indoor environment.
Water Detect Click
Water Detect click is used for detecting water and other electroconductive liquids. If the detection area is wet the output of Microchip's MCP606 CMOS op-amp will go positive, signaling the presence of liquid. You could use it on one of our clicker 2 development boards, with GSM 4 click, or any other from the wireless range, and create a home flood alarm. Any time Water Detect click detects water it will send you an SMS.