Component Engineering, Inc.
Component Engineering is a manufacturer of selected accessories used in theatrical motion picture projection.
- 206-284-9171
- 206-286-4462
- 14739 Aurora Ave N,
Shoreline,, WA 98133-6547
United States
Signal / Tone Generator
The SG-1 is a plug-in circuit card directly interchangeable with Dolby Laboratories' Cat. No. 85 series. From the initial digitally generated white noise, pink noise is produced by a 7-pole filter; red noise is produced with a single pole filter. The adjustable output level meets Dolby's level criteria, and we've included the level-switching circuit necessary for use in the CP-200.
Booth Monitor Amplifier
The MS-100 booth monitor amplifier is intended to be not only a means by which the projectionist can listen to the film being shown, but as a trouble-shooting diagnostic tool as well. Enough inputs are provided so that all significant points in the theatre's sound system can be sampled and their condition quickly determined.
Digital Automation System
The DA-10 Theatre Automation has an onboard serial port for connection to serial-style digital cinema servers like the Dolby Show Store. It has an onboard GPIO interface for connection to GPIO-style digital cinema servers like the Doremi DCP-2000 and GDC SA-2100.
Theatre Automation System
TA-10 DX
The TA-10 DX Theatre Automation has an onboard serial port for connection to serial-style digital cinema servers like the Dolby Show Store. It has an onboard GPIO interface for connection to GPIO-style digital cinema servers like the Doremi DCP-2000 and GDC SA-2100. The TA-10 DX retains all the legacy film functions of the original TA-10.