SURE Engineering cc
Creators of leading edge voltage and current sensing technologies.
- 27-21-701-8529
- 27-21-701-9183
- 44 Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park
Cape Town,
South Africa
Multi-Channel Earth-Loss Monitor
The SURETECH Earth-Loss Monitor (ELM) measures the resistance to earth of cable armouring in such a way thatthe user can actually LOCATE the earth loss.
Single channel Motor Insulation Monitor
The SURETECH Motor Insulation Monitor measures insulation resistance to earth of electric motors when themotor stops. Motors running from mains (380 / 220V) and higher voltages up to 6.6kV can have their insulationcontinuously monitored.
HiPot Tester
The SURETECH HiPot 30 tester provides an economical solution to Low frequency AC and DC testing of cables,terminations, motors, generators and other electrical apparatus. 0 – 30kV
High Voltage DC Personal Tester
DC/PT 75
Within a matter of seconds you can measure for yourself whether a voltage exceeding 750V is present. Used on voltages up to 75kV DC to earth.
High Voltage Personal Tester
HV/PT2 is a compact, affordable, high quality proximity HV tester that is manufactured in South Africa. Your own personal HV tester is now available for you to wear at all times. A five position sensitivity switch enables the user to approach the HV source on the highest sensitivity at a safe distance.