Spectronics Corp
Spectronics Corporation is the world's leading manufacturer of ultraviolet equipment and fluorescent materials.
- 800 274-8888
516-333-4840 - 516-333-4859
- info@spectroline.com
- 956 Brush Hollow Road
Westbury, NY 11590
United States
Counterfeit Currency Detector
MS-250 MoneyScanner®
Instantly shows if new, re-designed U.S. currency bills are genuine or counterfeit by their fluorescent glow. MoneyScanner model MS-250 viewers are used by U.S. Government Agencies, Treasury Department, Federal Reserve Banks and thousands of banks and retailers worldwide.
Radiometer/Photometer Kit
AccuMAX™ Series
Single detector with dual sensors measures both ultraviolet and visible light. Complies with ASTM specifications for MPI and FPI. Specially engineered for NDT applications. The AccuMAX XRP-3000 radiometer/photometer kit uses a dualwavelength UV-A/VIS sensor detector to measure both ultraviolet and visible light. Featuring automatic zeroing, integration and signal hold, the unit provides accurate readouts for UV, visible irradiance or radiance.
UV Radiometer
Measures UV-A light sources with overall accuracy of 5% per NIST standards
Fluorescent Leak Detection
How to pinpoint the exact source of leaks, save money, and protect your business. Our OEM approved fluorescent dyes work as a preventive maintenance system to protect your workers and your business. Our safety products are being utilized in mines all over the world.
UV-A LED Panel Flood Lamps
PowerMAX™ 365 Series
PowerMAX 365 Series flood lamps feature a panel of 16 powerful UV-A (365 nm) LEDs specially engineered for non-destructive testing applications. These versatile, stationary light sources can be installed overhead or in-line, and can be ganged together to provide an even wider coverage area. UV-A LED panel flood lamps are also available in two standard-intensity models that are designed for NDT inspection applications requiring limited UV-A output.
Leak Detection Flashlight
LT-300 LeakTracker
The LeakTracker is a durable, yet economical, LED leak detection flashlight that delivers pure UV light for superior fluorescent dye response. It works with all fluid dyes and systems, producing a brilliant glow that makes leaks easier to spotslashing diagnostic time! The LeakTracker is ideal for all industrial fluid system applications.