Kiwa Dare
Kiwa Dare is specialized in various fields such as EMC, Radio and product safety. The organization is active in testing, measuring, calibration and certification Kiwa Dare B.V. is a notified body for EMC and Medical devices (MDD/MDR)
- +31 348 200 900
- Vijzelmolenlaan 7
Woerden, 3447GX
EMC Measurements
Immunity and emission measurements Kiwa Dare is an accredited test house that performs full compliant EMC measurements in the field of EMC legislation. All results are recorded and represented in reports which form the foundation on which clients can put the CE mark on their product. Besides that our tests are performed under accreditation for Automotive, medical, maritime, aerospace military and railway applications.
Calibrations of electronic equipment is one of the activities that Kiwa Dare offers to its clients. these calibrations are under accreditation in the field of electrical quantities. Besides calibrations in the field of DC current, DC voltage and low frequency (test and measuring) equipment, Kiwa Dare is specialized in calibrating high frequency measuring equipment and in particular EMC equipment in a frequency range of (DC) 40 GHz. New the site validation calibrations whereby Kiwa Dare can calibrate shielded rooms (Faraday room) and anechoic chambers under accreditation.
Product Safety Testing
Low Voltage and Machinery Directives Product safety is everyone's concern and covers a wide area. It is therefore no surprise that a great number of European Directives are aimed at safety. Kiwa Dare performs tests and measurements in the area of Low Voltage and Machinery Safety for many years now.
Testing & Measurements
Kiwa Dare performs measurements and tests in the area of CE marking, Automotive and FCC. The laboratory is specialized in EMC, RED and Product Safety tests for household, industrial, automotive, medical, telecom, maritime, railway, aerospace and military equipment.
Automotive Testing
Unique E-Marking Service: Efficient, Flexible and Quality Kiwa Dare is a full compliant test house that perform tests and measurements for customers so that the E-Marking (type approval) can be obtained on vehicles or automotive products and components.