Santa Barbara Infrared, Inc.
Santa Barbara Infrared designs and manufactures the most technologically advanced infrared and electro-optical test instrumentation available. SBIR's broad line of innovative products support testing of military and commercial sensor systems and are used world wide in laboratory, production, depot and field test applications. Part of HEICO Corp.
- 805-965-3669
- 30 S. Calle Cesar Chavez
Suite D
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
United States
High Volume Tester
SBIR is pleased to announce the recent completion of a fully automated, turnkey system for high rate IR camera testing with a throughput of one camera every 30 seconds. The test system is capable of performing all standard performance metrics tests as well as a mechanical focus adjustment automatically.
Blackbodies & Extended Area Sources
The Infinity Series of blackbody radiation sources and extended area sources combine leading edge technology with features that support the expanding test requirements of the latest high performance sensors. SBIR designs the most stable, uniform, accurate and highly emissive blackbodies available. SBIR now offers VANTABLACK®S-IR as an optional coating, providing the E-O test community an unprecedented flat plate source emisisivty. SBIR continues to offer blackbody systems that provide the test community with unequaled performance, reliability and ease of integration into test systems. Our blackbody family includes six different varieties to choose from. The Infinity line offers four types of precision blackbody systems and our extended area sources offer two additional types of precision blackbodies to support all levels of IR testing.
Automated Testing
IRWindows™5 from Santa Barbara Infrared is an advanced software tool that automates the setup, execution, data collection and results analysis for industry standard performance testing of infrared, visible and laser systems. IRWindows™5 is the most advanced commercially available IR/EO sensor test software package in the industry today. It operates under Windows™ OS and is delivered installed on a high-end PC computer platform with frame grabber(s) selected to support UUT video formats. It is also available as a software only package. IRWindows™5 combined with SBIR target projectors provides test engineers and technicians a turnkey, automated hardware/software solution for full-spectrum sensor testing.
Standard IR Target Projectors
Santa Barbara Infrared’s 14000Zi Series reflective infrared target projectors are turnkey test systems for electro-optical (E-O) testing of FLIRs and other infrared (IR) imaging systems. The standard target projectors are assembled from SBIR’s STC Series Collimators, Infinity Blackbodies and 300 Series Target Wheels. SBIR also offers a standard athermal target projector with a 5.7° field of view (FOV).
The COLOSUS line of electro-optical test systems from Santa Barbara Infrared Inc. and Labsphere Inc. include collimated optics, software and uniform sources for the optical characterization of sensors and cameras.
Visible Light Source/Integrating Sphere
The Infinity VSX Series Integrating Sphere systems are ultra uniform, highly accurate broadband light sources.
STC Series
The STC Series Off-axis Newtonian Collimators from Santa Barbara Infrared provide superior performance in a compact, light weight, readily integrated package. These collimators accurately project targets at infinite focus for critical visible, IR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR system testing. STC Series Collimators integrate with SBIR’s Infinity Blackbodies and 300 Series target wheels to create the 14000 Series Target Projectors. These target projectors are available in many standard sizes to satisfy the test requirements of most sensor systems. Additionally, their modular design allows for easy customization of components.
Fused Visible & IR Testing
SBIR offers a visible/NIR/I-Squared/IR target projector that features a fused visible and thermal source capability by combining a MWIR and LWIR differential blackbody source with a visible/NIR integrating source. A beam-combiner allows the thermal energy and the visible energy to be processed simultaneously on the optical centerline of the collimator.
Detector And FPA Testing
The FPA Test Set (FPATS) interface to the detectors under test (DUT’s) is via a custom pedestal plate which provides both a conductive heat path to both the individual DUT’s as well as the field of view limiting aperture plate. This custom pedestal plate protrudes through the customer provided DUT interface printed circuit board (PCB) and makes physical contact with the rear of the DUT packages and the aperture plate when the FPATS is in the closed position. The pedestal plate is mounted to the ambient source plate and its temperature is actively driven by this subsystem.
IR/Visible Target Projectors
Santa Barbara Infrared’s reflective infrared and visible target projectors are turnkey test systems for electro-optical (E-O) testing of FLIRs and other infrared (IR) and visible imaging systems. The standard target projectors are assembled from SBIR’s STC Series Collimators, Infinity Blackbodies, Infinity VSX Integrating Spheres and 300 Series Target Wheels.
Wide FOV Target Projector
The Model 13792 is a broadband portable target projector used for characterizing the performance of a wide variety of infrared sensor systems. The system incorporates SBIR standard components to provide accurate and precise stimulus to sensors under test in laboratory, depot and production line environments. Testing can be automated with the use of IRWindows™ test system controller that reduces test times and cost, while improving the consistency and accuracy of test results.
Dual Blackbody Wide FOV
Dual blackbody, all reflective background IR target projector is used to characterize WFOV IR sensor systems. It features a broadband, 3 to 14 micron range, reflective IR target technology for the most accurate and stable differential targets, controlled background radiance, a 5º FOV with 36º uniform background.
IR/Visible Ranging Projectors
SBIR offers various ranging test bench systems that can be configured for non-infinity focus testing. Each system can be specifically designed for various tasks including characterizing the performance of IR and visible sensors and performing multi-sensor boresighting (IR to Visible to Laser).
Standard IR Target Projectors
Santa Barbara Infrared’s 14000Zi Series reflective infrared target projectors are turnkey test systems for electro-optical (E-O) testing of FLIRs and other infrared (IR) imaging systems. The standard target projectors are assembled from SBIR’s STC Series Collimators, Infinity Blackbodies and 300 Series Target Wheels. SBIR also offers a standard athermal target projector with a 5.7° field of view (FOV).
Dynamic IR Scene Projectors
In 1999, SBIR introduced MIRAGE™, the world’s first integrated Dynamic IR Scene Projection System, designed to support hardware-in-the-loop testing of missile seekers, FLIRs, counter measure simulation and tracking systems. MIRAGE™ is a complete turnkey infrared scene projector that utilizes unique resistive emitter array technology to produce high definition dynamic IR scenes. The original MIRAGE™-1 used a 512 x 511 pixel resistive array emitter capable of frame rates up to 200 Hz. Below is a list outlining the progression of the product line and a list of SBIR’s currently available scene generation systems: