Xiamen Elane Electronics Company, Ltd
We are the leading manufacturer and designer of postage computing scales, postal weighing scales, digital scales, specialized scales, and other scale products.
- (86) 592-602-3169
- (86) 592-566-5162
- 4th floor, #10 of Ai-De Air Industry Park
Gao Qi South 12th Road
Xiamen, Fujian 361006
Load Cell Amplifier
Xiamen Elane Electronics Company, Ltd
: 0-50 degrees. Humidity: 30 to 80 percent, non-condensing.Power Supply Requirements:Power Supply voltage: 9 volts DC.Operating current: 5mA, plus bridge current.Bridge Input:Excitation voltage: 5 volts.Bridge Type: Full Wheatstone Bridge.Voltage Output Range: From 0 volts to 4.3 volts.
Load Cell Tester
Xiamen Elane Electronics Company, Ltd
Large six-digit LED display < Easy to use and small in size < Accuracy of 0.005%FS/10ppm < 2 channels CH0 : -12mV/V~+12mV/V, with resolution 0.1uV/V CH1 : -1.6mV/V~+4.8mV/V, with resolution 0.01uV/V < Four user selectable output units (N, kgf, lbf and mv/V) < Peak Hold function to capture and holding the peak value for the immediate or later reference < Clear key to clear the peak value < Presence of tare key and foot switch to zero the display (tare function) < Great for monitoring and testing load cell characteristics (repeatability, linearity, creeping, temperature drift, etc
Digital Load Cell Simulator
Model EL41
Xiamen Elane Electronics Company, Ltd
Detection and debugging of all kinds of weighing instruments - "must have" for any scale service technician - fully RS232 controllable for testing of electronics for scale installation and manufacturing.