Texas Co.
Specializing in the production of various types of oscilloscope probes, multimeter test pens, automotive test cables and various test accessories, and to sell products and provide related services to the domestic market, can also be customized according to customer requirements.
- 0755-83318331
- 0755-83103899
- texas397@netvigator.com
- 4th Floor, Building 1, Guangtong Industrial Building, West Side of Meilin Road Vehicle Management Of
Meilin Street, Futian District
Differential probe
DP3000 Series
A “differential” probe is an active probe which has two inputs, one positive and one negative as well as a separate ground lead and it drives a single terminated 50Ω cable to transmit its output to one oscilloscope channel
Other Passive Probes
Probes connect the input of the oscilloscope to test points on the device under test (DUT). There are many types, including: high impedance passive, low capacitance, single-ended active, differential active, high voltage, and current probes. This is the first in a series of three articles on probe selection and application, and will focus on passive probes. Part 2 and part 3 will address active probes and current probes, respectively.
Attenuation 1000 High Voltage Passive Probe
* high voltage multimeter probe is a 1000:1 fixed attenuation ratio passive probe. This probe is designed to test high voltages for multimeters. With high voltage and high precision.* The test signal can be read on the multimeter, and the multimeter multiplied by 1000 is the actual test result.* High reliability and high security.* The highest voltage can measure DC up to 30KV.
Attenuation 100 High Voltage Passive Probe
Safe high voltage probe solutions for ground-referenced voltage testing. It is critical to safely and accurately capture real-time signal information from "elevated" or "floating" voltage systems.
Readout passive probe
Rngs around the BNC input sockets that allow the attenuation factor of attached probes to be detected by the scope.
Passive probe with X1/X10 switch
They are normally designated X1 and X10, although 1X and 10X are sometimes seen. The designation refers to the factor by which the impedance of the scope itelf is multiplied by the probe.The X1 probes are suitable for many low frequency applications. They offer the same input impedance of the oscilloscope which is normally 1 MΩ. However for applications where better accuracy is needed and as frequencies start to rise, other test probes are needed.